rotation_geomgrad Subroutine

subroutine rotation_geomgrad(eel, E, Egrd, grad)


  • proc~~rotation_geomgrad~~UsesGraph proc~rotation_geomgrad rotation_geomgrad module~mod_memory mod_memory proc~rotation_geomgrad->module~mod_memory module~mod_electrostatics mod_electrostatics proc~rotation_geomgrad->module~mod_electrostatics iso_c_binding iso_c_binding module~mod_memory->iso_c_binding module~mod_io mod_io module~mod_memory->module~mod_io module~mod_constants mod_constants module~mod_memory->module~mod_constants module~mod_electrostatics->module~mod_memory module~mod_adjacency_mat mod_adjacency_mat module~mod_electrostatics->module~mod_adjacency_mat module~mod_electrostatics->module~mod_io module~mod_topology mod_topology module~mod_electrostatics->module~mod_topology module~mod_electrostatics->module~mod_constants module~fmmlib_interface fmmlib_interface module~mod_electrostatics->module~fmmlib_interface module~mod_profiling mod_profiling module~mod_electrostatics->module~mod_profiling module~mod_adjacency_mat->module~mod_memory module~mod_io->module~mod_constants module~mod_topology->module~mod_memory module~mod_topology->module~mod_adjacency_mat module~mod_constants->iso_c_binding module~fmmlib_interface->module~mod_constants module~mod_fmm mod_fmm module~fmmlib_interface->module~mod_fmm module~mod_ribtree mod_ribtree module~fmmlib_interface->module~mod_ribtree module~mod_harmonics mod_harmonics module~fmmlib_interface->module~mod_harmonics module~mod_tree mod_tree module~fmmlib_interface->module~mod_tree module~mod_fmm_utils mod_fmm_utils module~fmmlib_interface->module~mod_fmm_utils module~mod_octatree mod_octatree module~fmmlib_interface->module~mod_octatree module~mod_profiling->module~mod_memory module~mod_profiling->module~mod_io module~mod_profiling->module~mod_constants module~mod_fmm->module~mod_constants module~mod_fmm->module~mod_harmonics module~mod_fmm->module~mod_tree module~mod_fmm->module~mod_fmm_utils module~mod_ribtree->module~mod_constants module~mod_ribtree->module~mod_profiling module~mod_ribtree->module~mod_tree module~mod_ribtree->module~mod_fmm_utils module~mod_harmonics->module~mod_constants module~mod_harmonics->module~mod_fmm_utils module~mod_tree->module~mod_adjacency_mat module~mod_tree->module~mod_constants module~mod_tree->module~mod_fmm_utils module~mod_fmm_utils->module~mod_constants module~mod_octatree->module~mod_constants module~mod_octatree->module~mod_profiling module~mod_octatree->module~mod_tree module~mod_octatree->module~mod_fmm_utils


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(ommp_electrostatics_type), intent(in) :: eel
real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: E(3,eel%top%mm_atoms)
real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: Egrd(6,eel%top%mm_atoms)
real(kind=rp), intent(inout), dimension(3, eel%top%mm_atoms) :: grad


proc~~rotation_geomgrad~~CallsGraph proc~rotation_geomgrad rotation_geomgrad proc~rotation_matrix rotation_matrix proc~rotation_geomgrad->proc~rotation_matrix proc~fatal_error fatal_error proc~rotation_matrix->proc~fatal_error proc~ommp_message ommp_message proc~fatal_error->proc~ommp_message proc~close_output close_output proc~fatal_error->proc~close_output proc~close_output->proc~ommp_message

Called by

proc~~rotation_geomgrad~~CalledByGraph proc~rotation_geomgrad rotation_geomgrad proc~fixedelec_geomgrad fixedelec_geomgrad proc~fixedelec_geomgrad->proc~rotation_geomgrad proc~ommp_rotation_geomgrad ommp_rotation_geomgrad proc~ommp_rotation_geomgrad->proc~rotation_geomgrad proc~polelec_geomgrad polelec_geomgrad proc~polelec_geomgrad->proc~rotation_geomgrad proc~ommp_fixedelec_geomgrad ommp_fixedelec_geomgrad proc~ommp_fixedelec_geomgrad->proc~fixedelec_geomgrad proc~ommp_polelec_geomgrad ommp_polelec_geomgrad proc~ommp_polelec_geomgrad->proc~polelec_geomgrad proc~c_ommp_rotation_geomgrad C_ommp_rotation_geomgrad proc~c_ommp_rotation_geomgrad->proc~ommp_rotation_geomgrad proc~ommp_full_geomgrad ommp_full_geomgrad proc~ommp_full_geomgrad->proc~fixedelec_geomgrad proc~ommp_full_geomgrad->proc~polelec_geomgrad proc~c_ommp_fixedelec_geomgrad C_ommp_fixedelec_geomgrad proc~c_ommp_fixedelec_geomgrad->proc~ommp_fixedelec_geomgrad proc~c_ommp_polelec_geomgrad C_ommp_polelec_geomgrad proc~c_ommp_polelec_geomgrad->proc~ommp_polelec_geomgrad proc~c_ommp_full_geomgrad C_ommp_full_geomgrad proc~c_ommp_full_geomgrad->proc~ommp_full_geomgrad


Source Code

Source Code

subroutine rotation_geomgrad(eel, E, Egrd, grad)
    use mod_memory, only: ip, rp
    use mod_electrostatics, only: ommp_electrostatics_type
    implicit none
    type(ommp_electrostatics_type), intent(in) :: eel
    real(rp), intent(in) :: E(3, eel%top%mm_atoms), Egrd(6, eel%top%mm_atoms)
    real(rp), dimension(3, eel%top%mm_atoms), intent(inout) :: grad

    integer(ip) :: j, jx, jy, jz, k, l, m, n
    real(rp), dimension(3) :: dip
    real(rp), dimension(3,3) :: r, rt, qua, rqua, ddip
    real(rp), dimension(3,3,3) :: dri, driz, drix, driy, dqua, dtmp
    logical :: frozen_j, frozen_jx, frozen_jy, frozen_jz

    ! TODO prepare_fixedelec

    ! loop over the mm sites and build the derivatives of the rotation
    ! matrices with respect to the positions of all the relevant atoms.
    do j = 1, eel%top%mm_atoms
        jz = eel%iz(j)
        if(jz == 0) jz = j
        jx = eel%ix(j)
        if(jx == 0) jx = j
        jy = eel%iy(j)
        if(jy == 0) jy = j
        if(eel%top%use_frozen) then
            if(eel%top%frozen(j) .and. &
               eel%top%frozen(jx) .and. &
               eel%top%frozen(jy) .and. &
               eel%top%frozen(jz)) cycle
        end if

       frozen_j = .false.
       frozen_jx = .false.
       frozen_jy = .false.
       frozen_jz = .false.
       if(eel%top%use_frozen) then
           frozen_j = eel%top%frozen(j)
           frozen_jx = eel%top%frozen(jx)
           frozen_jy = eel%top%frozen(jy)
           frozen_jz = eel%top%frozen(jz)
       end if
        call rotation_matrix(.true., & 
                             eel%top%cmm(:,j), eel%top%cmm(:,jx), &
                             eel%top%cmm(:,jy), eel%top%cmm(:,jz), &
                             eel%mol_frame(j), &
                             r, dri, driz, drix, driy)
        rt = transpose(r)
        ! get the multipoles. we also need the rotated quadrupoles:
        dip(_x_) = eel%q0(1+_x_,j)
        dip(_y_) = eel%q0(1+_y_,j)
        dip(_z_) = eel%q0(1+_z_,j)

        qua(_x_,_x_)  = eel%q0(4+_xx_,j)
        qua(_x_,_y_)  = eel%q0(4+_xy_,j)
        qua(_x_,_z_)  = eel%q0(4+_xz_,j)
        qua(_y_,_x_)  = eel%q0(4+_yx_,j)
        qua(_y_,_y_)  = eel%q0(4+_yy_,j)
        qua(_y_,_z_)  = eel%q0(4+_yz_,j)
        qua(_z_,_x_)  = eel%q0(4+_zx_,j)
        qua(_z_,_y_)  = eel%q0(4+_zy_,j)
        qua(_z_,_z_)  = eel%q0(4+_zz_,j)
        rqua(_x_,_x_)  = eel%q(4+_xx_,j)
        rqua(_x_,_y_)  = eel%q(4+_xy_,j)
        rqua(_x_,_z_)  = eel%q(4+_xz_,j)
        rqua(_y_,_x_)  = eel%q(4+_yx_,j)
        rqua(_y_,_y_)  = eel%q(4+_yy_,j)
        rqua(_y_,_z_)  = eel%q(4+_yz_,j)
        rqua(_z_,_x_)  = eel%q(4+_zx_,j)
        rqua(_z_,_y_)  = eel%q(4+_zy_,j)
        rqua(_z_,_z_)  = eel%q(4+_zz_,j)
        ! contributions to the forces on the j-th atoms:

        ddip = 0.0_rp
        dqua = 0.0_rp
        dtmp = 0.0_rp
        ! compute the differentiated multipoles:
        do k = 1, 3
            do l = 1, 3
                ddip(:,k) = ddip(:,k) + dri(:,k,l)*dip(l)
            end do
        end do
        do k = 1, 3
            do l = 1, 3
                do m = 1, 3
                    do n = 1, 3
                        dqua(:,k,l) = dqua(:,k,l) + (dri(:,k,m)*qua(m,n) - &
                    end do
                end do
            end do
        end do

        if(.not. frozen_j) then
            ! increment the forces for the dipoles...
            grad(:,j) = grad(:,j) - ddip(:,_x_)*E(_x_,j) &
                                - ddip(:,_y_)*E(_y_,j) & 
                                - ddip(:,_z_)*E(_z_,j)
            ! ... and for the quadrupoles:
            grad(:,j) = grad(:,j) + dqua(:,_x_,_x_)*Egrd(_xx_,j) &
                                + dqua(:,_y_,_y_)*Egrd(_yy_,j) &
                                + dqua(:,_z_,_z_)*Egrd(_zz_,j) &
                                + 2*(dqua(:,_x_,_y_)*Egrd(_xy_,j) &
                                +    dqua(:,_x_,_z_)*Egrd(_xz_,j) &
                                +    dqua(:,_y_,_z_)*Egrd(_yz_,j))
        end if
        ! do jx
        ddip = 0.0_rp
        dqua = 0.0_rp
        dtmp = 0.0_rp
        do k = 1, 3
            do l = 1, 3
                ddip(:,k) = ddip(:,k) + drix(:,k,l)*dip(l)
            end do
        end do
        do k = 1, 3
            do l = 1, 3
                do m = 1, 3
                    do n = 1, 3
                        dqua(:,k,l) = dqua(:,k,l) + (drix(:,k,m)*qua(m,n) -&
                    end do
                end do
            end do
        end do

        if(.not. frozen_jx) then
            ! increment the forces for the dipoles...
            grad(:,jx) = grad(:,jx) - ddip(:,_x_)*E(_x_,j) &
                                    - ddip(:,_y_)*E(_y_,j) & 
                                    - ddip(:,_z_)*E(_z_,j)
            ! ... and for the quadrupoles:
            grad(:,jx) = grad(:,jx) + dqua(:,_x_,_x_)*Egrd(_xx_,j) &
                                    + dqua(:,_y_,_y_)*Egrd(_yy_,j) &
                                    + dqua(:,_z_,_z_)*Egrd(_zz_,j) &
                                    + 2*(dqua(:,_x_,_y_)*Egrd(_xy_,j) &
                                    +    dqua(:,_x_,_z_)*Egrd(_xz_,j) &
                                    +    dqua(:,_y_,_z_)*Egrd(_yz_,j))
        end if
        ! do jy
        ddip = 0.0_rp
        dqua = 0.0_rp
        dtmp = 0.0_rp
        do k = 1, 3
            do l = 1, 3
                ddip(:,k) = ddip(:,k) + driy(:,k,l)*dip(l)
            end do
        end do
        do k = 1, 3
            do l = 1, 3
                do m = 1, 3
                    do n = 1, 3
                        ! dtmp(:,l,m)*rt(m,k)
                        dqua(:,k,l) = dqua(:,k,l) + (driy(:,k,m)*qua(m,n) -&
                    end do
                end do
            end do
        end do
        if(.not. frozen_jy) then
            ! increment the forces for the dipoles...
            grad(:,jy) = grad(:,jy) - ddip(:,_x_)*E(_x_,j) &
                                    - ddip(:,_y_)*E(_y_,j) & 
                                    - ddip(:,_z_)*E(_z_,j)
            ! ... and for the quadrupoles:
            grad(:,jy) = grad(:,jy) + dqua(:,_x_,_x_)*Egrd(_xx_,j) &
                                    + dqua(:,_y_,_y_)*Egrd(_yy_,j) &
                                    + dqua(:,_z_,_z_)*Egrd(_zz_,j) &
                                    + 2*(dqua(:,_x_,_y_)*Egrd(_xy_,j) &
                                    +    dqua(:,_x_,_z_)*Egrd(_xz_,j) &
                                    +    dqua(:,_y_,_z_)*Egrd(_yz_,j))
        end if
        ! Do jz
        ddip = 0.0_rp
        dqua = 0.0_rp
        dtmp = 0.0_rp
        do k = 1, 3
            do l = 1, 3
                ddip(:,k) = ddip(:,k) + driz(:,k,l)*dip(l)
            end do
        end do
        do k = 1, 3
            do l = 1, 3
                do m = 1, 3
                    do n = 1, 3
                        ! tmp(:,l,m)*rt(m,k)
                        dqua(:,k,l) = dqua(:,k,l) + (driz(:,k,m)*qua(m,n) -&
                    end do
                end do
            end do
        end do
        if(.not. frozen_jz) then
            ! increment the forces for the dipoles...
            grad(:,jz) = grad(:,jz) - ddip(:,_x_)*E(_x_,j) &
                                    - ddip(:,_y_)*E(_y_,j) & 
                                    - ddip(:,_z_)*E(_z_,j)
            ! ... and for the quadrupoles:
            grad(:,jz) = grad(:,jz) + dqua(:,_x_,_x_)*Egrd(_xx_,j) &
                                    + dqua(:,_y_,_y_)*Egrd(_yy_,j) &
                                    + dqua(:,_z_,_z_)*Egrd(_zz_,j) &
                                    + 2*(dqua(:,_x_,_y_)*Egrd(_xy_,j) &
                                    +    dqua(:,_x_,_z_)*Egrd(_xz_,j) &
                                    +    dqua(:,_y_,_z_)*Egrd(_yz_,j))
        end if

    end do 
end subroutine rotation_geomgrad