given an atom j and the reference atoms jx, jy, and jz, this routine computes the rotation matrix needed to rotate the multipoles on the i-th atom from the molecular frame to the lab frame. if required, it also return the derivative of the rotation matrices with respect to the coordinates of all the atoms involved in its definition.
this routine is completely general and can be easily augmented with new rotation conventions.
given the atoms used to define the molecolar frame, identified by the indices jx, jy, jz, this routine builds the vectors
xi = cmm(:,jz) - cmm(:,i) eta = cmm(:,jx) - cmm(:,i) zeta = cmm(:,jy) - cmm(:,i)
it then decodes the rotatoin conventions by introducing two vectors, u and v, that span the xz plane. this is the only convention-dependent part: everything else works automatically in a general way.
for the definition of u and v, the unit vectors that identify the orthogonal molecular systems are built as follows:
ez = u/|u| ex = gram-schmidt (v,ez) ey = ez x ex
output: =======
r(i,j) is the rotation matrix, whose columns are (ex,ey,ez)
dri(i,j,k) contains the derivative of the i-th component of e_k with respect to ri_j
TODO call fatal_error('the required rotation convention is not implemented.')
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
logical, | intent(in) | :: | doder | |||
real(kind=rp), | intent(in), | dimension(3) | :: | c | ||
real(kind=rp), | intent(in), | dimension(3) | :: | cx | ||
real(kind=rp), | intent(in), | dimension(3) | :: | cy | ||
real(kind=rp), | intent(in), | dimension(3) | :: | cz | ||
integer(kind=ip), | intent(in) | :: | mol_frame | |||
real(kind=rp), | intent(out), | dimension(3,3) | :: | r | ||
real(kind=rp), | intent(inout), | dimension(3,3,3) | :: | dri | ||
real(kind=rp), | intent(inout), | dimension(3,3,3) | :: | driz | ||
real(kind=rp), | intent(inout), | dimension(3,3,3) | :: | drix | ||
real(kind=rp), | intent(inout), | dimension(3,3,3) | :: | driy |
subroutine rotation_matrix(doder,c,cx,cy,cz,mol_frame,r,dri,driz,drix,driy)
use mod_io, only: fatal_error
use mod_memory, only: ip, rp
use mod_constants, only: eps_rp
implicit none
!! given an atom j and the reference atoms jx, jy, and jz, this routine
!! computes the rotation matrix needed to rotate the multipoles on the
!! i-th atom from the molecular frame to the lab frame.
!! if required, it also return the derivative of the rotation matrices
!! with respect to the coordinates of all the atoms involved in its
!! definition.
!! this routine is completely general and can be easily augmented with
!! new rotation conventions.
!! given the atoms used to define the molecolar frame, identified by the
!! indices jx, jy, jz, this routine builds the vectors
!! xi = cmm(:,jz) - cmm(:,i)
!! eta = cmm(:,jx) - cmm(:,i)
!! zeta = cmm(:,jy) - cmm(:,i)
!! it then decodes the rotatoin conventions by introducing two vectors,
!! u and v, that span the xz plane.
!! this is the only convention-dependent part: everything else works
!! automatically in a general way.
!! for the definition of u and v, the unit vectors that identify the
!! orthogonal molecular systems are built as follows:
!! ez = u/|u|
!! ex = gram-schmidt (v,ez)
!! ey = ez x ex
!! output:
!! =======
!! r(i,j) is the rotation matrix, whose columns are (ex,ey,ez)
!! dri(i,j,k) contains the derivative of the i-th component of e_k
!! with respect to ri_j
logical, intent(in) :: doder
real(rp), intent(in), dimension(3) :: c, cx, cy, cz
integer(ip), intent(in) :: mol_frame
real(rp), dimension(3,3), intent(out) :: r
real(rp), dimension(3,3,3), intent(inout) :: dri, driz, drix, driy
integer(ip) :: k
real(rp) :: dot
real(rp) :: xi(3), eta(3), zeta(3), xi_norm, eta_norm, zeta_norm
real(rp) :: u(3), v(3), u_norm, ex(3), ey(3), ez(3), ex_nrm, ex_sq, &
u_sq, u_cube, vez
real(rp), dimension(3,3) :: ez_u, ex_v, ex_ez, ey_ez, ey_ex, u_ri, u_riz, &
u_rix, u_riy, v_ri, v_rix, v_riy, ez_ri, &
ez_riz, ez_rix, ez_riy, ex_ri, ex_riz, &
ex_rix, ex_riy, ey_ri, ey_riz, ey_rix, ey_riy
real(rp), parameter :: zofac = 0.866_rp
r = 0.0_rp
! get the xi, eta and zeta vectors and their norms:
xi = cz - c
xi_norm = sqrt(dot_product(xi,xi))
eta = cx - c
eta_norm = sqrt(dot_product(eta,eta))
zeta = cy-c
zeta_norm = sqrt(dot_product(zeta,zeta))
! build the u and v vectors, that span the xz plane according to the specific
! convention:
u = 0.0_rp
v = 0.0_rp
if (mol_frame.eq.0) then
! do nothing.
r(1,1) = 1.0_rp
r(2,2) = 1.0_rp
r(3,3) = 1.0_rp
if (doder) then
dri = 0.0_rp
driz = 0.0_rp
drix = 0.0_rp
driy = 0.0_rp
end if
else if (mol_frame.eq.1) then
! z-then-x convention:
u = xi
v = eta
else if (mol_frame.eq.2) then
! bisector convention:
u = eta_norm*xi + xi_norm*eta
v = eta
else if (mol_frame.eq.3) then
! z-only convention:
u = xi
dot = u(3)/xi_norm
if (dot.le.zofac .and. abs(u(2)) > eps_rp) then
v(1) = 1.0_rp
v(2) = 1.0_rp
end if
else if (mol_frame.eq.4) then
! z-bisector convention:
u = xi
v = zeta_norm*eta + eta_norm*zeta
else if (mol_frame.eq.5) then
! 3-fold convention:
u = eta_norm*zeta_norm*xi + xi_norm*zeta_norm*eta + xi_norm*eta_norm*zeta
v = eta
! convention not yet implemented.
!!TODO call fatal_error('the required rotation convention is not implemented.')
end if
! build the unit vectors:
if(norm2(u) < eps_rp .or. norm2(v) < eps_rp) then
call fatal_error("Ill defined rotation axis (either u or v vectors have &
&0 norm.")
end if
u_sq = dot_product(u,u)
u_norm = sqrt(u_sq)
ez = u/u_norm
vez = dot_product(v,ez)
ex = v - vez*ez
ex_sq = dot_product(ex,ex)
ex_nrm = sqrt(ex_sq)
ex = ex/ex_nrm
ey(1) = ez(2)*ex(3) - ez(3)*ex(2)
ey(2) = ez(3)*ex(1) - ez(1)*ex(3)
ey(3) = ez(1)*ex(2) - ez(2)*ex(1)
r(:,1) = ex
r(:,2) = ey
r(:,3) = ez
! return if derivatives are not requested:
if (.not. doder) return
! derivatives code
! ================
! the derivatives of the rotation matrices can be computed using chain-rule
! differentiation.
! please, see JCTC 2014, 10, 1638−1651 for details.
! clean interemediates:
ez_u = 0.0_rp
ex_v = 0.0_rp
ex_ez = 0.0_rp
ey_ez = 0.0_rp
ey_ex = 0.0_rp
u_ri = 0.0_rp
u_riz = 0.0_rp
u_rix = 0.0_rp
u_riy = 0.0_rp
v_ri = 0.0_rp
v_rix = 0.0_rp
v_riy = 0.0_rp
! start by assembling the intermediates that do not depend on the sepcific convention:
u_cube = u_sq*u_norm
do k = 1, 3
ez_u(k,k) = 1.0_rp/u_norm
ex_v(k,k) = 1.0_rp/ex_nrm
ex_ez(k,k) = - vez/ex_nrm
end do
do k = 1, 3
ez_u(:,k) = ez_u(:,k) - u(:)*u(k)/u_cube
ex_v(:,k) = ex_v(:,k) - ez(:)*ez(k)/ex_nrm - ex(:)*ex(k)/ex_nrm
ex_ez(:,k) = ex_ez(:,k) + ex(:)*vez*v(k)/ex_sq - ez(:)*v(k)/ex_nrm
end do
ey_ez(1,1) = 0.0_rp
ey_ez(1,2) = ex(3)
ey_ez(1,3) = - ex(2)
ey_ez(2,1) = - ex(3)
ey_ez(2,2) = 0.0_rp
ey_ez(2,3) = ex(1)
ey_ez(3,1) = ex(2)
ey_ez(3,2) = - ex(1)
ey_ez(3,3) = 0.0_rp
ey_ex(1,1) = 0.0_rp
ey_ex(1,2) = - ez(3)
ey_ex(1,3) = ez(2)
ey_ex(2,1) = ez(3)
ey_ex(2,2) = 0.0_rp
ey_ex(2,3) = - ez(1)
ey_ex(3,1) = - ez(2)
ey_ex(3,2) = ez(1)
ey_ex(3,3) = 0.0_rp
! now compute the convention-specific terms:
if (mol_frame.eq.1) then
! z-then-x:
do k = 1, 3
u_ri(k,k) = - 1.0_rp
u_riz(k,k) = 1.0_rp
v_ri(k,k) = - 1.0_rp
v_rix(k,k) = 1.0_rp
end do
else if (mol_frame.eq.2) then
! bisector:
do k = 1, 3
u_ri(k,k) = - xi_norm - eta_norm
u_riz(k,k) = eta_norm
u_rix(k,k) = xi_norm
v_ri(k,k) = - 1.0_rp
v_rix(k,k) = 1.0_rp
end do
do k = 1, 3
u_ri(:,k) = u_ri(:,k) - eta(:)*xi(k)/xi_norm - xi(:)*eta(k)/eta_norm
u_riz(:,k) = u_riz(:,k) + eta(:)*xi(k)/xi_norm
u_rix(:,k) = u_rix(:,k) + xi(:)*eta(k)/eta_norm
end do
else if (mol_frame.eq.3) then
! z-only:
do k = 1, 3
u_ri(k,k) = - 1.0_rp
u_riz(k,k) = 1.0_rp
end do
else if (mol_frame.eq.4) then
! z-bisector:
do k = 1, 3
u_ri(k,k) = - 1.0_rp
u_riz(k,k) = 1.0_rp
v_ri(k,k) = - eta_norm - zeta_norm
v_rix(k,k) = zeta_norm
u_riy(k,k) = eta_norm
end do
do k = 1, 3
v_ri(:,k) = v_ri(:,k) - eta(:)*zeta(k)/zeta_norm - zeta(:)*eta(k)/eta_norm
v_rix(:,k) = v_rix(:,k) + zeta(:)*eta(k)/eta_norm
v_riy(:,k) = v_riy(:,k) + eta(:)*zeta(k)/zeta_norm
end do
else if (mol_frame.eq.5) then
! 3-fold:
do k = 1, 3
u_ri(k,k) = - xi_norm*eta_norm - xi_norm*zeta_norm - eta_norm*zeta_norm
u_riz(k,k) = eta_norm*zeta_norm
u_rix(k,k) = xi_norm*zeta_norm
u_riy(k,k) = xi_norm*eta_norm
v_ri(k,k) = - 1.0_rp
v_rix(k,k) = 1.0_rp
end do
do k = 1, 3
u_ri(:,k) = u_ri(:,k) - (eta*zeta_norm + zeta*eta_norm)*xi(k)/xi_norm &
- (xi*zeta_norm + zeta*xi_norm )*eta(k)/eta_norm &
- (xi*eta_norm + eta*xi_norm )*zeta(k)/zeta_norm
u_riz(:,k) = u_riz(:,k) + (eta*zeta_norm + zeta*eta_norm)*xi(k)/xi_norm
u_rix(:,k) = u_rix(:,k) + (xi*zeta_norm + zeta*xi_norm )*eta(k)/eta_norm
u_riy(:,k) = u_riy(:,k) + (xi*eta_norm + eta*xi_norm )*zeta(k)/zeta_norm
end do
end if
! proceed assembling the derivatives of the unit vectors:
! ez:
ez_ri = matmul(ez_u,u_ri)
ez_riz = matmul(ez_u,u_riz)
ez_rix = matmul(ez_u,u_rix)
ez_riy = matmul(ez_u,u_riy)
! ex:
ex_ri = matmul(ex_v,v_ri) + matmul(ex_ez,ez_ri)
ex_riz = matmul(ex_ez,ez_riz)
ex_rix = matmul(ex_v,v_rix) + matmul(ex_ez,ez_rix)
ex_riy = matmul(ex_v,v_riy) + matmul(ex_ez,ez_riy)
! ey:
ey_ri = matmul(ey_ex,ex_ri) + matmul(ey_ez,ez_ri)
ey_riz = matmul(ey_ex,ex_riz) + matmul(ey_ez,ez_riz)
ey_rix = matmul(ey_ex,ex_rix) + matmul(ey_ez,ez_rix)
ey_riy = matmul(ey_ex,ex_riy) + matmul(ey_ez,ez_riy)
! finally, assemble the derivatives of the rotation matrices:
dri(:,:,1) = transpose(ex_ri)
dri(:,:,2) = transpose(ey_ri)
dri(:,:,3) = transpose(ez_ri)
driz(:,:,1) = transpose(ex_riz)
driz(:,:,2) = transpose(ey_riz)
driz(:,:,3) = transpose(ez_riz)
drix(:,:,1) = transpose(ex_rix)
drix(:,:,2) = transpose(ey_rix)
drix(:,:,3) = transpose(ez_rix)
driy(:,:,1) = transpose(ex_riy)
driy(:,:,2) = transpose(ey_riy)
driy(:,:,3) = transpose(ez_riy)
end subroutine rotation_matrix