Type | Location | Extends | Description |
fmm_tree_type | mod_tree | None | Data structore to represent the tree for storing sources and targets of the fmm problem |
fmm_type | mod_fmm | None | |
ommp_bonded_type | mod_bonded | None | |
ommp_electrostatics_type | mod_electrostatics | None | |
ommp_link_atom_type | mod_link_atom | None | |
ommp_neigh_list | mod_neighbor_list | None | |
ommp_nonbonded_type | mod_nonbonded | None | Derived type for storing the information relative to the calculation of non-bonding interactions |
ommp_qm_helper | mod_qm_helper | None | |
ommp_system | mod_mmpol | None | |
ommp_topology_type | mod_topology | None | |
yale_sparse | mod_adjacency_mat | None | Describe a square boolean sparse matrix n x n. |