mod_solvers.F90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~mod_solvers.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~mod_solvers.f90 mod_solvers.F90 sourcefile~mod_memory.f90 mod_memory.F90 sourcefile~mod_solvers.f90->sourcefile~mod_memory.f90 sourcefile~mod_electrostatics.f90 mod_electrostatics.F90 sourcefile~mod_solvers.f90->sourcefile~mod_electrostatics.f90 sourcefile~mod_io.f90 mod_io.F90 sourcefile~mod_solvers.f90->sourcefile~mod_io.f90 sourcefile~mod_constants.f90 mod_constants.F90 sourcefile~mod_solvers.f90->sourcefile~mod_constants.f90 sourcefile~mod_memory.f90->sourcefile~mod_io.f90 sourcefile~mod_memory.f90->sourcefile~mod_constants.f90 sourcefile~mod_electrostatics.f90->sourcefile~mod_memory.f90 sourcefile~mod_electrostatics.f90->sourcefile~mod_io.f90 sourcefile~mod_electrostatics.f90->sourcefile~mod_constants.f90 sourcefile~mod_profiling.f90 mod_profiling.F90 sourcefile~mod_electrostatics.f90->sourcefile~mod_profiling.f90 sourcefile~mod_adjacency_mat.f90 mod_adjacency_mat.F90 sourcefile~mod_electrostatics.f90->sourcefile~mod_adjacency_mat.f90 sourcefile~mod_topology.f90 mod_topology.F90 sourcefile~mod_electrostatics.f90->sourcefile~mod_topology.f90 sourcefile~mod_fmm_interface.f90 mod_fmm_interface.F90 sourcefile~mod_electrostatics.f90->sourcefile~mod_fmm_interface.f90 sourcefile~mod_io.f90->sourcefile~mod_constants.f90 sourcefile~mod_profiling.f90->sourcefile~mod_memory.f90 sourcefile~mod_profiling.f90->sourcefile~mod_io.f90 sourcefile~mod_profiling.f90->sourcefile~mod_constants.f90 sourcefile~mod_adjacency_mat.f90->sourcefile~mod_memory.f90 sourcefile~mod_adjacency_mat.f90->sourcefile~mod_io.f90 sourcefile~mod_adjacency_mat.f90->sourcefile~mod_constants.f90 sourcefile~mod_utils.f90 mod_utils.F90 sourcefile~mod_adjacency_mat.f90->sourcefile~mod_utils.f90 sourcefile~mod_topology.f90->sourcefile~mod_memory.f90 sourcefile~mod_topology.f90->sourcefile~mod_io.f90 sourcefile~mod_topology.f90->sourcefile~mod_constants.f90 sourcefile~mod_topology.f90->sourcefile~mod_adjacency_mat.f90 sourcefile~mod_fmm_interface.f90->sourcefile~mod_constants.f90 sourcefile~mod_ribtree.f90 mod_ribtree.F90 sourcefile~mod_fmm_interface.f90->sourcefile~mod_ribtree.f90 sourcefile~mod_tree.f90 mod_tree.F90 sourcefile~mod_fmm_interface.f90->sourcefile~mod_tree.f90 sourcefile~mod_octatree.f90 mod_octatree.F90 sourcefile~mod_fmm_interface.f90->sourcefile~mod_octatree.f90 sourcefile~mod_fmm.f90 mod_fmm.F90 sourcefile~mod_fmm_interface.f90->sourcefile~mod_fmm.f90 sourcefile~mod_harmonics.f90 mod_harmonics.F90 sourcefile~mod_fmm_interface.f90->sourcefile~mod_harmonics.f90 sourcefile~mod_fmm_utils.f90 mod_fmm_utils.F90 sourcefile~mod_fmm_interface.f90->sourcefile~mod_fmm_utils.f90 sourcefile~mod_utils.f90->sourcefile~mod_memory.f90 sourcefile~mod_utils.f90->sourcefile~mod_constants.f90 sourcefile~mod_ribtree.f90->sourcefile~mod_constants.f90 sourcefile~mod_ribtree.f90->sourcefile~mod_profiling.f90 sourcefile~mod_ribtree.f90->sourcefile~mod_adjacency_mat.f90 sourcefile~mod_ribtree.f90->sourcefile~mod_tree.f90 sourcefile~mod_ribtree.f90->sourcefile~mod_fmm_utils.f90 sourcefile~mod_tree.f90->sourcefile~mod_constants.f90 sourcefile~mod_tree.f90->sourcefile~mod_adjacency_mat.f90 sourcefile~mod_tree.f90->sourcefile~mod_fmm_utils.f90 sourcefile~mod_octatree.f90->sourcefile~mod_constants.f90 sourcefile~mod_octatree.f90->sourcefile~mod_profiling.f90 sourcefile~mod_octatree.f90->sourcefile~mod_adjacency_mat.f90 sourcefile~mod_octatree.f90->sourcefile~mod_tree.f90 sourcefile~mod_octatree.f90->sourcefile~mod_fmm_utils.f90 sourcefile~mod_fmm.f90->sourcefile~mod_constants.f90 sourcefile~mod_fmm.f90->sourcefile~mod_tree.f90 sourcefile~mod_fmm.f90->sourcefile~mod_harmonics.f90 sourcefile~mod_fmm.f90->sourcefile~mod_fmm_utils.f90 sourcefile~mod_harmonics.f90->sourcefile~mod_constants.f90 sourcefile~mod_harmonics.f90->sourcefile~mod_fmm_utils.f90 sourcefile~mod_fmm_utils.f90->sourcefile~mod_constants.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~mod_solvers.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~mod_solvers.f90 mod_solvers.F90 sourcefile~mod_polarization.f90 mod_polarization.F90 sourcefile~mod_polarization.f90->sourcefile~mod_solvers.f90 sourcefile~mod_geomgrad.f90 mod_geomgrad.F90 sourcefile~mod_geomgrad.f90->sourcefile~mod_polarization.f90 sourcefile~mod_interface.f90 mod_interface.F90 sourcefile~mod_interface.f90->sourcefile~mod_polarization.f90 sourcefile~mod_interface.f90->sourcefile~mod_geomgrad.f90 sourcefile~mod_c_interface.f90 mod_c_interface.F90 sourcefile~mod_c_interface.f90->sourcefile~mod_interface.f90


Source Code

Source Code

module mod_solvers
    !! Module that contains the routines used to solve the polarization linear 
    !! system \(\mathbf A \mathbf x = \mathbf B\).
    !! Currently three methods are implemented:    
    !! 1.  __matrix inversion__;    
    !! 2.  __(preconditioned) conjugate gradients__ - since polarization equations 
    !!     are symmetric and positive definite, this is the optimal choice;    
    !! 3.  __jacobi iterations__ accelerated with Pulay's direct inversion 
    !!     in the iterative subspace (__DIIS__): this is a pretty robust solver that 
    !!     can be use for general systems and that is less sensitive to small 
    !!     errors in the symmetry of the matrix.    
    !! Iterative solvers need two additional routines to be passed as arguments,
    !! namely matvec that computes a generic product 
    !! \(\mathbf y = \mathbf A \mathbf v\)
    !! and precond that computes \(\mathbf y = \mathbf M \mathbf v\), where 
    !! \(M\) is a precontioner

    use mod_memory, only: ip, rp
    use mod_constants, only: OMMP_VERBOSE_HIGH, &
                             OMMP_VERBOSE_LOW, &
                             OMMP_VERBOSE_DEBUG, &
    use mod_io, only: ommp_message, fatal_error
    use mod_electrostatics, only: ommp_electrostatics_type

    implicit none
    real(rp), parameter :: OMMP_DEFAULT_SOLVER_TOL = 1e-8_rp
    !! Default tolerance for iterative solvers
    integer(ip), parameter :: OMMP_DEFAULT_SOLVER_ITER = 200
    !! Default maximum number of iteration for iterative solvers
    integer(ip), parameter :: OMMP_DEFAULT_DIIS_MAX_POINTS = 20
    !! Default maximum number of points in DIIS extrapolation

    public :: inversion_solver, conjugate_gradient_solver, jacobi_diis_solver

    subroutine inversion_solver(n, rhs, x, tmat)
        !! Solve the linear system directly inverting the matrix:
        !! $$\mathbf A \mathbf x = \mathbf B $$
        !! $$ \mathbf x = \mathbf A ^-1 \mathbf B $$
        !! This is highly unefficient and should only be used for testing 
        !! other methods of solution.

        use mod_memory, only: mallocate, mfree
        implicit none
        integer(ip), intent(in) :: n
        !! Size of the matrix
        real(rp), dimension(n), intent(in) :: rhs
        !! Right hand side of the linear system
        real(rp), dimension(n), intent(out) :: x
        !! In output the solution of the linear system
        real(rp), dimension(n, n), intent(in) :: tmat
        !! Polarization matrix TODO

        integer(ip) :: info
        integer(ip), dimension(:), allocatable :: ipiv
        real(rp), dimension(:), allocatable :: work
        real(rp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: TMatI
        call mallocate('inversion_solver [TMatI]', n, n, TMatI)
        call mallocate('inversion_solver [work]', n, work)
        call mallocate('inversion_solver [ipiv]', n, ipiv)
        ! Initialize inverse polarization matrix
        TMatI = TMat
        !Compute the inverse of TMat
        call dgetrf(n, n, TMatI, n, iPiv, info)
        call dgetri(n, TMatI, n, iPiv, Work, n, info)
        ! Calculate dipoles with matrix inversion
        call dgemm('N', 'N', n, 1, n, 1.0_rp, TMatI, n, rhs, n, 0.0_rp, x, n)
        call mfree('inversion_solver [TMatI]', TMatI)
        call mfree('inversion_solver [work]', work)
        call mfree('inversion_solver [ipiv]', ipiv)
    end subroutine inversion_solver

    subroutine conjugate_gradient_solver(n, rhs, x, eel, matvec, precnd, &
                                         arg_tol, arg_n_iter)
        !! Conjugate gradient solver (TODO)
        ! TODO add more printing
        use mod_constants, only: eps_rp
        use mod_memory, only: mallocate, mfree

        implicit none

        integer(ip), intent(in) :: n
        !! Size of the matrix
        real(rp), intent(in), optional :: arg_tol
        !! Optional convergence criterion in input, if not present
        !! OMMP_DEFAULT_SOLVER_TOL is used.
        real(rp) :: tol
        !! Convergence criterion, it is required that RMS norm < tol

        integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: arg_n_iter
        !! Optional maximum number of iterations for the solver, if not present
        !! OMMP_DEFAULT_SOLVER_ITER is used.
        integer(ip) :: n_iter
        !! Maximum number of iterations for the solver 

        real(rp), dimension(n), intent(in) :: rhs
        !! Right hand side of the linear system
        real(rp), dimension(n), intent(inout) :: x
        !! In input, initial guess for the solver, in output the solution
        type(ommp_electrostatics_type), intent(in) :: eel
        !! Electrostatics data structure
        external :: matvec
        !! Routine to perform matrix-vector product
        external :: precnd
        !! Preconditioner routine

        integer(ip) :: it
        real(rp) :: rms_norm, alpha, gnew, gold, gama
        real(rp), allocatable :: r(:), p(:), h(:), z(:)
        character(len=OMMP_STR_CHAR_MAX) :: msg

        ! Optional arguments handling
        if(present(arg_tol)) then
            tol = arg_tol
            tol = OMMP_DEFAULT_SOLVER_TOL
        end if

        if(present(arg_n_iter)) then
            n_iter = arg_n_iter
            n_iter = OMMP_DEFAULT_SOLVER_ITER
        end if

        call ommp_message("Solving linear system with CG solver", OMMP_VERBOSE_LOW)
        write(msg, "(A, I4)") "Max iter:", n_iter
        call ommp_message(msg, OMMP_VERBOSE_LOW)
        write(msg, "(A, E8.1)") "Tolerance: ", tol
        call ommp_message(msg, OMMP_VERBOSE_LOW)

        call mallocate('conjugate_gradient_solver [r]', n, r)
        call mallocate('conjugate_gradient_solver [p]', n, p)
        call mallocate('conjugate_gradient_solver [h]', n, h)
        call mallocate('conjugate_gradient_solver [z]', n, z)

        ! compute a guess, if required:
        rms_norm = dot_product(x,x)
        if(rms_norm < eps_rp) then
            call ommp_message("Input guess has zero norm, generating a guess&
                              & from preconditioner.", OMMP_VERBOSE_HIGH)
            call precnd(eel, x, x)
            call ommp_message("Using input guess as a starting point for&
                              & iterative solver.", OMMP_VERBOSE_HIGH)
        end if

        ! compute the residual:
        call matvec(eel, x, z, .true.)
        r = rhs - z
        ! apply the preconditioner and get the first direction:
        call precnd(eel, r, z)
        p = z
        gold = dot_product(r, z)
        gama = 0.0_rp

        do it = 1, n_iter
            ! compute the step:
            call matvec(eel, p, h, .true.)
            gama = dot_product(h, p)

            ! unlikely quick return:
            if(abs(gama) < eps_rp) then
                call ommp_message("Direction vector with zero norm, exiting &
                                  &iterative solver.", OMMP_VERBOSE_HIGH)
            end if

            alpha = gold / gama
            x = x + alpha * p
            r = r - alpha * h

            ! apply the preconditioner:
            call precnd(eel, r, z)
            gnew = dot_product(r, z)
            rms_norm = sqrt(gnew/dble(n))

            write(msg, "('iter=',i4,' residual rms norm: ', d14.4)") it, rms_norm
            call ommp_message(msg, OMMP_VERBOSE_HIGH)

            ! Check convergence
            if(rms_norm < tol) then
                call ommp_message("Required convergence threshold reached, &
                                  &exiting iterative solver.", OMMP_VERBOSE_HIGH)
            end if

            ! compute the next direction:
            gama = gnew/gold
            p    = gama*p + z
            gold = gnew
        end do

        call mfree('conjugate_gradient_solver [r]', r)
        call mfree('conjugate_gradient_solver [p]', p)
        call mfree('conjugate_gradient_solver [h]', h)
        call mfree('conjugate_gradient_solver [z]', z)

        if(rms_norm > tol .and. abs(gama) > eps_rp) then
            call fatal_error("Iterative solver did not converged")
        end if

    end subroutine conjugate_gradient_solver

    subroutine jacobi_diis_solver(n, rhs, x, eel, matvec, inv_diag, arg_tol, &
                                  arg_n_iter, arg_diis_max)
        use mod_constants, only: eps_rp
        use mod_memory, only: mallocate, mfree
        implicit none
        integer(ip), intent(in) :: n
        !! Size of the matrix
        real(rp), intent(in), optional :: arg_tol
        !! Optional convergence criterion in input, if not present
        !! OMMP_DEFAULT_SOLVER_TOL is used.
        real(rp) :: tol
        !! Convergence criterion, it is required that RMS norm < tol
        integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: arg_n_iter
        !! Optional maximum number of iterations for the solver, if not present
        !! OMMP_DEFAULT_SOLVER_ITER is used.
        integer(ip) :: n_iter
        !! Maximum number of iterations for the solver 
        integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: arg_diis_max
        !! Optional maximum number of points for diis extrapolation, if not present
        !! OMMP_DEFAULT_DIIS_MAX_POINTS is used.
        integer(ip) :: diis_max
        !! Maximum number of points for diis extrapolation, if zero or negative,
        !! diis extrapolation is not used.

        real(rp), dimension(n), intent(in) :: rhs
        !! Right hand side of the linear system
        real(rp), dimension(n), intent(inout) :: x
        !! In input, initial guess for the solver, in output the solution
        type(ommp_electrostatics_type), intent(in) :: eel
        !! Electrostatics data structure
        real(rp), dimension(n), intent(in) :: inv_diag
        !! Element-wise inverse of diagonal of LHS matrix
        external :: matvec
        !! Routine to perform matrix-vector product
        integer(ip) :: it, nmat
        real(rp) :: rms_norm, max_norm
        logical :: do_diis
        real(rp), allocatable :: x_new(:), y(:), x_diis(:,:), e_diis(:,:), bmat(:,:)
        character(len=OMMP_STR_CHAR_MAX) :: msg
        ! Optional arguments handling
        if(present(arg_tol)) then
            tol = arg_tol
            tol = OMMP_DEFAULT_SOLVER_TOL
        end if
        if(present(arg_n_iter)) then
            n_iter = arg_n_iter
            n_iter = OMMP_DEFAULT_SOLVER_ITER
        end if
        if(present(arg_diis_max)) then
            diis_max = arg_diis_max
            diis_max = OMMP_DEFAULT_DIIS_MAX_POINTS
        end if

        do_diis =  (diis_max > 0)
        call ommp_message("Solving linear system with jacobi solver", OMMP_VERBOSE_LOW)
        write(msg, "(A, I4)") "Max iter:", n_iter
        call ommp_message(msg, OMMP_VERBOSE_LOW)
        write(msg, "(A, E8.1)") "Tolerance: ", tol
        call ommp_message(msg, OMMP_VERBOSE_LOW)
        if(do_diis) then
            write(msg, "(A, I4)") "DIIS is enabled with n = ", diis_max
            write(msg, "(A)") "DIIS is disabled"
        call ommp_message(msg, OMMP_VERBOSE_LOW)
        ! Memory allocation
        call mallocate('jacobi_diis_solver [x_new]', n, x_new)
        call mallocate('jacobi_diis_solver [y]', n, y)
        if(do_diis) then
            call mallocate('jacobi_diis_solver [x_diis]', n, diis_max, x_diis)
            call mallocate('jacobi_diis_solver [e_diis]', n, diis_max, e_diis)
            call mallocate('jacobi_diis_solver [bmat]', diis_max+1, diis_max+1, bmat)
            nmat = 1
        ! if required, compute a guess
        rms_norm = dot_product(x, x)
        if(rms_norm < eps_rp) then
            call ommp_message("Input guess has zero norm, generating a guess&
                              & from preconditioner.", OMMP_VERBOSE_HIGH)
            x = inv_diag * rhs
            call ommp_message("Using input guess as a starting point for&
                              & iterative solver.", OMMP_VERBOSE_HIGH)
        end if
        ! Jacobi iterations
        do it = 1, n_iter
            ! y = rhs - O x
            call matvec(eel, x, y, .false.)
            y = rhs - y

            ! x_new = D^-1 y
            x_new = inv_diag * y
            !call precnd(y, x_new)
            ! DIIS extrapolation
            if(do_diis) then
                x_diis(:,nmat) = x_new
                e_diis(:,nmat) = x_new - x
                call diis(n, nmat, diis_max, x_diis, e_diis, bmat, x_new)

            ! increment
            x = x_new - x
            ! compute norm
            call rmsvec(n, x, rms_norm, max_norm)
            ! update
            x = x_new
            write(msg, "('iter=',i4,' residual norm (rms, max): ', 2d14.4)") it, rms_norm, max_norm
            call ommp_message(msg, OMMP_VERBOSE_HIGH)

            ! Check convergence
            if(max_norm < tol) then
                call ommp_message("Required convergence threshold reached, &
                                  &exiting iterative solver.", OMMP_VERBOSE_HIGH)
            end if
        call mfree('jacobi_diis_solver [x_new]', x_new)
        call mfree('jacobi_diis_solver [y]', y)
        if(do_diis) then
            call mfree('jacobi_diis_solver [x_diis]', x_diis)
            call mfree('jacobi_diis_solver [e_diis]', e_diis)
            call mfree('jacobi_diis_solver [bmat]', bmat)
        if(max_norm > tol) then
            call fatal_error("Iterative solver did not converged")
        end if

    end subroutine jacobi_diis_solver
    subroutine diis(n,nmat,ndiis,x,e,b,xnew)
        !! perform Pulay's direct inversion in the iterative subspace extrapolation:
        use mod_memory, only: mallocate, mfree

        implicit none
        ! TODO doc
        integer(ip), intent(in) :: n, ndiis
        integer(ip), intent(inout) :: nmat
        real(rp), dimension(n, ndiis), intent(inout) :: x, e
        real(rp), dimension(ndiis+1, ndiis+1), intent(inout) :: b
        real(rp), dimension(n), intent(inout) :: xnew
        integer(ip) :: nmat1, i, info
        integer(ip) :: j, k

        real(rp),    allocatable :: bloc(:,:), cex(:)
        integer(ip), allocatable :: ipiv(:)

        if ( then
            do j = 2, nmat - 10
                do k = 2, nmat - 10
                    b(j,k) = b(j+10,k+10)
                end do
            end do
            do j = 1, nmat - 10
                x(:,j) = x(:,j+10)
                e(:,j) = e(:,j+10)
            end do
            nmat = nmat - 10
        end if

        nmat1 = nmat + 1
        call mallocate('diis [bloc]', nmat1, nmat1, bloc)
        call mallocate('diis [cex]', nmat1, cex)
        call mallocate('diis [ipiv]', nmat1, ipiv)
        call makeb(n, nmat, ndiis, e, b)
        bloc = b(1:nmat1,1:nmat1)
        cex = 0.0_rp
        cex(1) = 1.0_rp

        call dgesv(nmat1, 1, bloc, nmat1, ipiv, cex, nmat1, info)
        if(info /= 0) then
            ! inversion failed. discard the previous points and restart.
            nmat = 1
            call mfree('diis [bloc]', bloc)
            call mfree('diis [cex]', cex)
            call mfree('diis [ipiv]', ipiv)
        end if

        xnew = 0.0_rp
        do i = 1, nmat
            xnew = xnew + cex(i+1)*x(:,i)
        end do
        nmat = nmat + 1
        call mfree('diis [bloc]', bloc)
        call mfree('diis [cex]', cex)
        call mfree('diis [ipiv]', ipiv)
    end subroutine diis

    subroutine makeb(n,nmat,ndiis,e,b)
        !! assemble the DIIS B matrix:
        implicit none
        integer(ip), intent(in) :: n, nmat, ndiis
        real(rp), dimension(n, ndiis), intent(in) :: e
        real(rp), dimension(ndiis+1, ndiis+1), intent(inout) :: b

        integer(ip) :: i
        real(rp) :: bij
        if(nmat == 1) then
            ! 1st built:
            !         [ 0 |  1  ]
            !     b = [ --+---- ]
            !         [ 1 | e*e ]
            b(1,1) = 0.0_rp
            b(1,2) = 1.0_rp
            b(2,1) = 1.0_rp
            b(2,2) = dot_product(e(:,1),e(:,1))
            ! subsequent builts
            ! first, update the lagrangian line:
            b(nmat+1,1) = 1.0_rp
            b(1,nmat+1) = 1.0_rp

            ! now, compute the new matrix elements:
            do i = 1, nmat - 1
                bij = dot_product(e(:,i),e(:,nmat))
                b(nmat+1,i+1) = bij
                b(i+1,nmat+1) = bij
            end do
            b(nmat+1,nmat+1) = dot_product(e(:,nmat),e(:,nmat))
        end if
    end subroutine makeb

    subroutine rmsvec( n, v, vrms, vmax )
        !! compute root-mean-square and max norms of a vector.
        implicit none
        integer(ip), intent(in) :: n
        real(rp), dimension(n), intent(in) :: v
        real(rp), intent(inout) :: vrms, vmax
        integer(ip) :: i
        ! initialize
        vrms = 0.0_rp
        vmax = 0.0_rp
        ! loop over entries
        do i = 1, n
            ! max norm
            vmax = max(vmax,abs(v(i)))
            ! rms norm
            vrms = vrms + v(i)*v(i)
        vrms = sqrt(vrms/dble(n))
    end subroutine rmsvec

end module mod_solvers