#include "f_cart_components.h" #include "version.h" ! Wrapper function for open-mmpol library module ommp_interface !! The interface of the library, basically all the operation performed !! by an external code should be done through the routines of this !! module. !! The interface is conceived to work naturally with C and Fortran; the C !! interface is also used to build the interface for Python. !! In a fortran code, this module can be imported and it should expose !! directly all the vector and scalar quantities needed. !! In a C code, routines are provided to get the pointer or the values of !! vector and scalar quantites respectively. ! Renamed import of several global variables that should be available ! in the interface use mod_constants, only: OMMP_FF_AMOEBA, OMMP_FF_WANG_AL, OMMP_FF_WANG_DL, & OMMP_SOLVER_CG, OMMP_SOLVER_DIIS, & OMMP_SOLVER_INVERSION, OMMP_SOLVER_DEFAULT, & OMMP_SOLVER_NONE, & OMMP_MATV_INCORE, OMMP_MATV_DIRECT, & OMMP_MATV_DEFAULT, OMMP_MATV_NONE, & OMMP_VERBOSE_DEBUG, OMMP_VERBOSE_HIGH, & OMMP_VERBOSE_LOW, OMMP_VERBOSE_NONE, & OMMP_AU2KCALMOL => au2kcalmol, & OMMP_ANG2AU => angstrom2au, & OMMP_STR_CHAR_MAX ! Internal types use mod_memory, only: ommp_integer => ip, & ommp_real => rp, & ommp_logical => lp use mod_mmpol, only: ommp_system use mod_electrostatics, only: ommp_electrostatics_type use mod_topology, only: ommp_topology_type use mod_qm_helper, only: ommp_qm_helper use mod_mmpol, only: ommp_save_mmp => mmpol_save_as_mmp, & ommp_print_summary => mmpol_ommp_print_summary, & ommp_update_coordinates => update_coordinates, & ommp_print_summary_to_file => mmpol_ommp_print_summary use mod_io, only: ommp_set_verbose => set_verbosity, & ommp_message, & ommp_set_outputfile => set_iof_mmpol, & ommp_close_outputfile => close_output, & ommp_fatal => fatal_error, & ommp_version use mod_qm_helper, only: ommp_qm_helper_set_attype => qm_helper_set_attype, & ommp_qm_helper_init_vdw_prm => qm_helper_init_vdw_prm, & ommp_qm_helper_init_vdw => qm_helper_init_vdw, & ommp_prepare_qm_ele_ene => electrostatic_for_ene, & ommp_prepare_qm_ele_grd => electrostatic_for_grad use mod_profiling, only: ommp_time_push => time_push, & ommp_time_pull => time_pull use mod_prm, only: ommp_ignore_duplicated_angle_prm => set_ignore_duplicated_angle_prm use mod_iohdf5, only: mmpol_init_from_hdf5, save_system_as_hdf5 implicit none character(*), parameter :: ommp_version_string = _OMMP_VERSION contains subroutine ommp_set_default_solver(s, solver) use mod_electrostatics, only: set_def_solver implicit none integer(ommp_integer), intent(in), value :: solver type(ommp_system), pointer :: s call set_def_solver(s%eel, solver) end subroutine ommp_set_default_solver subroutine ommp_set_default_matv(s, matv) use mod_electrostatics, only: set_def_matv implicit none integer(ommp_integer), intent(in), value :: matv type(ommp_system), pointer :: s call set_def_matv(s%eel, matv) end subroutine ommp_set_default_matv subroutine ommp_init_mmp(s, filename) use mod_inputloader, only : mmpol_init_from_mmp implicit none type(ommp_system), pointer, intent(inout) :: s character(len=*) :: filename call ommp_version(OMMP_VERBOSE_LOW) allocate(s) call mmpol_init_from_mmp(trim(filename), s) end subroutine subroutine ommp_init_xyz(s, xyzfile, prmfile) use mod_inputloader, only : mmpol_init_from_xyz implicit none type(ommp_system), pointer, intent(inout) :: s character(len=*) :: xyzfile, prmfile call ommp_version(OMMP_VERBOSE_LOW) allocate(s) call mmpol_init_from_xyz(s, trim(xyzfile), trim(prmfile)) end subroutine subroutine ommp_set_frozen_atoms(s, n, frozen) use mod_topology, only: set_frozen implicit none type(ommp_system), pointer, intent(inout) :: s !! OpenMMPol system integer(ommp_integer), intent(in) :: n, frozen(n) !! Atoms to freeze if(minval(frozen) < 1) then call ommp_fatal("Atom indexes are 1-based, so no index should be less than 1") end if if(maxval(frozen) > s%top%mm_atoms) then call ommp_fatal("Atom indexes should be inside the topology range") end if call set_frozen(s%top, frozen) end subroutine subroutine ommp_turn_pol_off(s, n, nopol) use mod_electrostatics, only: remove_null_pol use mod_io, only: ommp_message use mod_constants, only: OMMP_STR_CHAR_MAX, & OMMP_VERBOSE_LOW implicit none type(ommp_system), pointer, intent(inout) :: s !! OpenMMPol system integer(ommp_integer), intent(in) :: n, nopol(n) !! Atoms to freeze in MM indexing integer(ommp_integer) :: i, j character(len=OMMP_STR_CHAR_MAX) :: msg if(minval(nopol) < 1) then call ommp_fatal("Atom indexes are 1-based, so no index should be less than 1") end if if(maxval(nopol) > s%top%mm_atoms) then call ommp_fatal("Atom indexes should be inside the topology range") end if do i=1, n j = s%eel%mm_polar(i) if(j > 0) then s%eel%pol(j) = 0.0 else write(msg, "('Atom ', I0, ' is not polarizable. Ignoring.')") i call ommp_message(msg, OMMP_VERBOSE_LOW) end if end do call remove_null_pol(s%eel) end subroutine subroutine ommp_terminate(s) use mod_mmpol, only: mmpol_terminate implicit none type(ommp_system), pointer, intent(inout) :: s call mmpol_terminate(s) deallocate(s) end subroutine subroutine ommp_set_external_field(sys_obj, ext_field, solver, matv, & add_mm_field) !! This function get an external field and solve the polarization !! system in the presence of the provided external field. use mod_polarization, only: polarization use mod_electrostatics, only: prepare_polelec use mod_memory, only: mallocate, mfree implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real), intent(in) :: ext_field(3,sys_obj%eel%pol_atoms) integer(ommp_integer), intent(in), value :: solver integer(ommp_integer), intent(in), value :: matv logical, intent(in), value, optional :: add_mm_field type(ommp_electrostatics_type), pointer :: eel real(ommp_real), allocatable :: ef(:,:,:) integer :: i logical :: do_mm_f eel => sys_obj%eel if(present(add_mm_field)) then do_mm_f = add_mm_field else do_mm_f = .true. end if eel%ipd_done = .false. if(do_mm_f) then call mallocate('ommp_get_polelec_energy [ef]', & 3_ommp_integer, eel%pol_atoms, eel%n_ipd, ef) call prepare_polelec(eel) do i=1, eel%n_ipd ef(:,:,i) = eel%e_m2d(:,:,i) + ext_field end do call polarization(sys_obj, ef, solver) call mfree('ommp_get_polelec_energy [ef]', ef) else call mallocate('ommp_get_polelec_energy [ef]', & 3_ommp_integer, eel%pol_atoms, eel%n_ipd, ef) ef(:,:,1) = ext_field call polarization(sys_obj, ef, solver, matv, [.true., .false.] ) call mfree('ommp_get_polelec_energy [ef]', ef) end if end subroutine ommp_set_external_field subroutine ommp_set_external_field_nomm(sys_obj, ext_field, solver, matv) !! This is just the same as [[ommp_set_external_field]] but !! implicitly assuming [[ommp_set_external_field:add_mm_field]] as !! false, mainly here for interface consistency with C implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real), intent(in) :: ext_field(3,sys_obj%eel%pol_atoms) integer(ommp_integer), intent(in), value :: solver integer(ommp_integer), intent(in), value :: matv call ommp_set_external_field(sys_obj, ext_field, solver, matv, .false.) end subroutine subroutine ommp_potential_mmpol2ext(s, n, cext, v) ! Compute the electric potential of static sites at ! arbitrary coordinates use mod_electrostatics, only: potential_D2E, & potential_M2E implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s integer(ommp_integer), intent(in) :: n real(ommp_real), intent(in) :: cext(3,n) real(ommp_real), intent(inout) :: v(n) call potential_M2E(s%eel, cext, v) call potential_D2E(s%eel, cext, v) end subroutine subroutine ommp_potential_pol2ext(s, n, cext, v) ! Compute the electric potential of static sites at ! arbitrary coordinates use mod_electrostatics, only: potential_D2E implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s integer(ommp_integer), intent(in) :: n real(ommp_real), intent(in) :: cext(3,n) real(ommp_real), intent(inout) :: v(n) call potential_D2E(s%eel, cext, v) end subroutine subroutine ommp_potential_mm2ext(s, n, cext, v) ! Compute the electric potential of static sites at ! arbitrary coordinates use mod_electrostatics, only: potential_M2E implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s integer(ommp_integer), intent(in) :: n real(ommp_real), intent(in) :: cext(3,n) real(ommp_real), intent(inout) :: v(n) call potential_M2E(s%eel, cext, v) end subroutine subroutine ommp_field_mmpol2ext(s, n, cext, E) ! Compute the electric potential of static sites at ! arbitrary coordinates use mod_electrostatics, only: field_D2E, field_M2E implicit none integer(ommp_integer), intent(in), value :: n type(ommp_system), intent(in), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(in) :: cext(3,n) real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: E(3,n) call field_M2E(s%eel, cext, E) call field_D2E(s%eel, cext, E) end subroutine subroutine ommp_field_mm2ext(s, n, cext, E) ! Compute the electric potential of static sites at ! arbitrary coordinates use mod_electrostatics, only: field_M2E implicit none integer(ommp_integer), intent(in), value :: n type(ommp_system), intent(in), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(in) :: cext(3,n) real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: E(3,n) call field_M2E(s%eel, cext, E) end subroutine subroutine ommp_field_pol2ext(s, n, cext, E) ! Compute the electric potential of static sites at ! arbitrary coordinates use mod_electrostatics, only: field_D2E implicit none integer(ommp_integer), intent(in), value :: n type(ommp_system), intent(in), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(in) :: cext(3,n) real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: E(3,n) call field_D2E(s%eel, cext, E) end subroutine function ommp_get_polelec_energy(sys_obj) result(ene) !! Solve the polarization equation for a certain external field !! and compute the interaction energy of the induced dipoles with !! themselves and fixed multipoles. use mod_electrostatics, only: energy_MM_pol, prepare_polelec use mod_polarization, only: polarization implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real) :: ene call ommp_time_push() if(sys_obj%eel%pol_atoms == 0) then ene = 0.0 else if(.not. sys_obj%eel%ipd_done) then !! Solve the polarization system without external field call prepare_polelec(sys_obj%eel) call polarization(sys_obj, sys_obj%eel%e_m2d) end if ene = 0.0 call energy_MM_pol(sys_obj%eel, ene) end if call ommp_time_pull('Polarizable Electrostatic energy') end function function ommp_get_fixedelec_energy(sys_obj) result(ene) use mod_electrostatics, only: energy_MM_MM implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real) :: ene call ommp_time_push() ene = 0.0 call energy_MM_MM(sys_obj%eel, ene) call ommp_time_pull('Fixed Electrostatic energy') end function function ommp_get_full_ele_energy(sys_obj) result(ene) implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real) :: ene ene = ommp_get_fixedelec_energy(sys_obj) ene = ene + ommp_get_polelec_energy(sys_obj) end function function ommp_get_vdw_energy(sys_obj) result(evdw) use mod_nonbonded, only: vdw_potential implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real) :: evdw call ommp_time_push() evdw = 0.0 if(sys_obj%use_nonbonded) call vdw_potential(sys_obj%vdw, evdw) call ommp_time_pull('Non-bonded energy') end function function ommp_get_bond_energy(sys_obj) result(eb) use mod_bonded, only: bond_potential use mod_link_atom, only: link_atom_update_merged_topology implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real) :: eb call ommp_time_push() eb = 0.0 if(sys_obj%use_bonded) then call bond_potential(sys_obj%bds, eb) if(sys_obj%use_linkatoms) then call link_atom_update_merged_topology(sys_obj%la) call bond_potential(sys_obj%la%bds, eb) endif end if call ommp_time_pull('Bonded energy') end function function ommp_get_angle_energy(sys_obj) result(ea) use mod_bonded, only: angle_potential use mod_link_atom, only: link_atom_update_merged_topology implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real) :: ea call ommp_time_push() ea = 0.0 if(sys_obj%use_bonded) then call angle_potential(sys_obj%bds, ea) if(sys_obj%use_linkatoms) then call link_atom_update_merged_topology(sys_obj%la) call angle_potential(sys_obj%la%bds, ea) end if end if call ommp_time_pull('Angle energy') end function function ommp_get_strbnd_energy(sys_obj) result(eba) use mod_bonded, only: strbnd_potential implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real) :: eba call ommp_time_push eba = 0.0 if(sys_obj%use_bonded) call strbnd_potential(sys_obj%bds, eba) call ommp_time_pull('Stretching-bending energy') end function function ommp_get_urey_energy(sys_obj) result(eub) use mod_bonded, only: urey_potential implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real) :: eub call ommp_time_push eub = 0.0 if(sys_obj%use_bonded) call urey_potential(sys_obj%bds, eub) call ommp_time_pull('Urey-Bradley energy') end function function ommp_get_opb_energy(sys_obj) result(eopb) use mod_bonded, only: opb_potential implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real) :: eopb call ommp_time_push eopb = 0.0 if(sys_obj%use_bonded) call opb_potential(sys_obj%bds, eopb) call ommp_time_pull('Out of plane energy') end function function ommp_get_imptorsion_energy(sys_obj) result(et) use mod_bonded, only: imptorsion_potential implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real) :: et call ommp_time_push et = 0.0 if(sys_obj%use_bonded) call imptorsion_potential(sys_obj%bds, et) call ommp_time_pull('Improper torsion energy') end function function ommp_get_torsion_energy(sys_obj) result(et) use mod_bonded, only: torsion_potential use mod_link_atom, only: link_atom_update_merged_topology implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real) :: et call ommp_time_push et = 0.0 if(sys_obj%use_bonded) then call torsion_potential(sys_obj%bds, et) if(sys_obj%use_linkatoms) then call link_atom_update_merged_topology(sys_obj%la) call torsion_potential(sys_obj%la%bds, et) end if end if call ommp_time_pull('Torsion energy') end function function ommp_get_pitors_energy(sys_obj) result(ept) use mod_bonded, only: pitors_potential implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real) :: ept call ommp_time_push ept = 0.0 if(sys_obj%use_bonded) call pitors_potential(sys_obj%bds, ept) call ommp_time_pull('Pi-system torsion energy') end function function ommp_get_strtor_energy(sys_obj) result(est) use mod_bonded, only: strtor_potential implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real) :: est call ommp_time_push est = 0.0 if(sys_obj%use_bonded) call strtor_potential(sys_obj%bds, est) call ommp_time_pull('Stretching-torsion energy') end function function ommp_get_angtor_energy(sys_obj) result(eat) use mod_bonded, only: angtor_potential implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real) :: eat call ommp_time_push eat = 0.0 if(sys_obj%use_bonded) call angtor_potential(sys_obj%bds, eat) call ommp_time_pull('Bending-torsion energy') end function function ommp_get_tortor_energy(sys_obj) result(ett) use mod_bonded, only: tortor_potential implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real) :: ett call ommp_time_push ett = 0.0 if(sys_obj%use_bonded) call tortor_potential(sys_obj%bds, ett) call ommp_time_pull('Torsion-torsion energy') end function function ommp_get_full_bnd_energy(sys_obj) result(ene) use mod_link_atom, only: link_atom_update_merged_topology use mod_bonded, only: bond_potential, angtor_potential, & strbnd_potential, urey_potential, & opb_potential, pitors_potential, & torsion_potential, tortor_potential, & strtor_potential, angle_potential, & imptorsion_potential implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real) :: ene call ommp_time_push ene = 0.0 if(sys_obj%use_bonded) then call bond_potential(sys_obj%bds, ene) call angle_potential(sys_obj%bds, ene) call strbnd_potential(sys_obj%bds, ene) call urey_potential(sys_obj%bds, ene) call opb_potential(sys_obj%bds, ene) call imptorsion_potential(sys_obj%bds, ene) call torsion_potential(sys_obj%bds, ene) call pitors_potential(sys_obj%bds, ene) call strtor_potential(sys_obj%bds, ene) call angtor_potential(sys_obj%bds, ene) call tortor_potential(sys_obj%bds, ene) if(sys_obj%use_linkatoms) then call link_atom_update_merged_topology(sys_obj%la) call bond_potential(sys_obj%la%bds, ene) call angle_potential(sys_obj%la%bds, ene) call torsion_potential(sys_obj%la%bds, ene) end if end if call ommp_time_pull('Total bond energy') end function function ommp_get_full_energy(sys_obj) result(ene) implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: sys_obj real(ommp_real) :: ene call ommp_time_push ene = 0.0 ene = ene + ommp_get_vdw_energy(sys_obj) ene = ene + ommp_get_full_ele_energy(sys_obj) ene = ene + ommp_get_full_bnd_energy(sys_obj) call ommp_time_pull('Total energy') end function ! Functions for advanced operation and gradients subroutine ommp_fixedelec_geomgrad(s, grd) use mod_geomgrad, only: fixedelec_geomgrad implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: grd(3,s%top%mm_atoms) call ommp_time_push grd = 0.0 call fixedelec_geomgrad(s, grd) call ommp_time_pull('Fixed Elctrostatic grad') end subroutine subroutine ommp_polelec_geomgrad(s, grd) use mod_geomgrad, only: polelec_geomgrad implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: grd(3,s%top%mm_atoms) call ommp_time_push grd = 0.0 if(s%eel%pol_atoms > 0) call polelec_geomgrad(s, grd) call ommp_time_pull('Polarizable Elctrostatic grad') end subroutine subroutine ommp_vdw_geomgrad(s, grd) use mod_nonbonded, only: vdw_geomgrad implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: grd(3,s%top%mm_atoms) call ommp_time_push grd = 0.0 if(s%use_nonbonded) call vdw_geomgrad(s%vdw, grd) call ommp_time_pull('Non-bonded grad') end subroutine subroutine ommp_rotation_geomgrad(s, E, Egrd, grd ) implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(in) :: E(:,:), Egrd(:,:) real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: grd(:,:) call ommp_time_push grd = 0.0 call rotation_geomgrad(s%eel, E, Egrd, grd) call ommp_time_pull('Multipole rotation grad') end subroutine subroutine ommp_bond_geomgrad(s, grd) use mod_bonded, only: bond_geomgrad use mod_link_atom, only: link_atom_update_merged_topology, & link_atom_bond_geomgrad implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: grd(3,s%top%mm_atoms) real(ommp_real) :: fake_qmg(3,1) call ommp_time_push grd = 0.0 if(s%use_bonded) then call bond_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) if(s%use_linkatoms) then call link_atom_update_merged_topology(s%la) call link_atom_bond_geomgrad(s%la, & fake_qmg, grd, & .false., .true.) end if end if call ommp_time_pull("Bonded grad") end subroutine subroutine ommp_angle_geomgrad(s, grd) use mod_bonded, only: angle_geomgrad use mod_link_atom, only: link_atom_update_merged_topology, & link_atom_angle_geomgrad implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: grd(3,s%top%mm_atoms) real(ommp_real) :: fake_qmg(3,1) call ommp_time_push grd = 0.0 if(s%use_bonded) then call angle_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) if(s%use_linkatoms) then call link_atom_update_merged_topology(s%la) call link_atom_angle_geomgrad(s%la, & fake_qmg, grd, & .false., .true.) end if end if call ommp_time_pull("Angle grad") end subroutine subroutine ommp_strbnd_geomgrad(s, grd) use mod_bonded, only: strbnd_geomgrad implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: grd(3,s%top%mm_atoms) call ommp_time_push grd = 0.0 if(s%use_bonded) call strbnd_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) call ommp_time_pull("Stretching-bending grad") end subroutine subroutine ommp_urey_geomgrad(s, grd) use mod_bonded, only: urey_geomgrad implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: grd(3,s%top%mm_atoms) call ommp_time_push grd = 0.0 if(s%use_bonded) call urey_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) call ommp_time_pull("Urey-Bradley grad") end subroutine subroutine ommp_torsion_geomgrad(s, grd) use mod_bonded, only: torsion_geomgrad use mod_link_atom, only: link_atom_update_merged_topology, & link_atom_torsion_geomgrad implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: grd(3,s%top%mm_atoms) real(ommp_real) :: fake_qmg(3,1) call ommp_time_push grd = 0.0 if(s%use_bonded) then call torsion_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) if(s%use_linkatoms) then call link_atom_update_merged_topology(s%la) call link_atom_torsion_geomgrad(s%la, & fake_qmg, grd, & .false., .true.) end if end if call ommp_time_pull("Torsion grad") end subroutine subroutine ommp_imptorsion_geomgrad(s, grd) use mod_bonded, only: imptorsion_geomgrad implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: grd(3,s%top%mm_atoms) call ommp_time_push grd = 0.0 if(s%use_bonded) call imptorsion_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) call ommp_time_pull("Improper torsion grad") end subroutine subroutine ommp_angtor_geomgrad(s, grd) use mod_bonded, only: angtor_geomgrad implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: grd(3,s%top%mm_atoms) call ommp_time_push grd = 0.0 if(s%use_bonded) call angtor_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) call ommp_time_pull("Angle-torsion grad") end subroutine subroutine ommp_opb_geomgrad(s, grd) use mod_bonded, only: opb_geomgrad implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: grd(3,s%top%mm_atoms) call ommp_time_push grd = 0.0 if(s%use_bonded) call opb_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) call ommp_time_pull("Out of plane grad") end subroutine subroutine ommp_strtor_geomgrad(s, grd) use mod_bonded, only: strtor_geomgrad implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: grd(3,s%top%mm_atoms) call ommp_time_push grd = 0.0 if(s%use_bonded) call strtor_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) call ommp_time_pull("Stretching-torsion grad") end subroutine subroutine ommp_tortor_geomgrad(s, grd) use mod_bonded, only: tortor_geomgrad implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: grd(3,s%top%mm_atoms) call ommp_time_push grd = 0.0 if(s%use_bonded) call tortor_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) call ommp_time_pull('Torsion-torsion grad') end subroutine subroutine ommp_pitors_geomgrad(s, grd) use mod_bonded, only: pitors_geomgrad implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: grd(3,s%top%mm_atoms) call ommp_time_push grd = 0.0 if(s%use_bonded) call pitors_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) call ommp_time_pull('Pi-system torsion grad') end subroutine subroutine ommp_full_bnd_geomgrad(s, grd) use mod_bonded, only: bond_geomgrad, & angle_geomgrad, & strbnd_geomgrad, & urey_geomgrad, & opb_geomgrad, & imptorsion_geomgrad, & torsion_geomgrad, & pitors_geomgrad, & strtor_geomgrad, & angtor_geomgrad, & tortor_geomgrad use mod_link_atom, only: link_atom_update_merged_topology, & link_atom_bond_geomgrad, & link_atom_angle_geomgrad, & link_atom_torsion_geomgrad implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: grd(3,s%top%mm_atoms) real(ommp_real) :: fake_qmg(3,1) call ommp_time_push grd = 0.0 if(s%use_bonded) then call bond_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) call angle_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) call strbnd_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) call urey_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) call opb_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) call imptorsion_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) call torsion_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) call pitors_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) call strtor_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) call angtor_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) call tortor_geomgrad(s%bds, grd) if(s%use_linkatoms) then call link_atom_update_merged_topology(s%la) call link_atom_bond_geomgrad(s%la, & fake_qmg, grd, & .false., .true.) call link_atom_angle_geomgrad(s%la, & fake_qmg, grd, & .false., .true.) call link_atom_torsion_geomgrad(s%la, & fake_qmg, grd, & .false., .true.) end if end if call ommp_time_pull("Total bonded grad") end subroutine subroutine ommp_full_geomgrad(s, grd) use mod_memory, only: mallocate use mod_nonbonded, only: vdw_geomgrad use mod_geomgrad, only: polelec_geomgrad, fixedelec_geomgrad implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), target :: s real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: grd(3,s%top%mm_atoms) call ommp_time_push grd = 0.0 call ommp_full_bnd_geomgrad(s, grd) call fixedelec_geomgrad(s, grd) if(s%eel%pol_atoms > 0) call polelec_geomgrad(s, grd) if(s%use_nonbonded) call vdw_geomgrad(s%vdw, grd) call ommp_time_pull("Total grad") end subroutine subroutine ommp_init_hdf5(s, filename, namespace) implicit none type(ommp_system), pointer :: s character(len=*) :: filename, namespace integer(ommp_integer) :: ok call ommp_version(OMMP_VERBOSE_LOW) allocate(s) call mmpol_init_from_hdf5(filename, namespace, s, ok) end subroutine ommp_init_hdf5 subroutine ommp_save_as_hdf5(s, filename, namespace) !! This function is an interface for saving an HDF5 file !! with all the data contained in mmpol module using !! [[mod_io:mmpol_save_as_hdf5]] implicit none character(len=*) :: filename, namespace type(ommp_system), pointer :: s integer(kind=4) :: err call save_system_as_hdf5(filename, & s, & err, & namespace, & logical(.false., kind=ommp_logical)) end subroutine ommp_save_as_hdf5 subroutine ommp_checkpoint(s, filename, namespace) implicit none character(len=*) :: filename, namespace type(ommp_system), pointer :: s integer(kind=4) :: err call save_system_as_hdf5(filename, & s, & err, & namespace, & logical(.true., kind=ommp_logical)) end subroutine ommp_checkpoint ! QM Helper Object housekeeping subroutine ommp_init_qm_helper(s, n, cqm, qqm, zqm) use mod_qm_helper, only: qm_helper_init implicit none type(ommp_qm_helper), pointer, intent(inout) :: s integer(ommp_integer) :: n real(ommp_real), intent(in) :: cqm(:,:), qqm(:) integer(ommp_integer), intent(in) :: zqm(:) allocate(s) call qm_helper_init(s, n, cqm, qqm, zqm) end subroutine subroutine ommp_qm_helper_set_frozen_atoms(s, n, frozen) use mod_topology, only: set_frozen implicit none type(ommp_qm_helper), pointer, intent(inout) :: s !! OpenMMPol system integer(ommp_integer), intent(in) :: n, frozen(n) !! Atoms to freeze if(minval(frozen) < 1) then call ommp_fatal("Atom indexes are 1-based, so no index should be less than 1") end if if(maxval(frozen) > s%qm_top%mm_atoms) then call ommp_fatal("Atom indexes should be inside the topology range") end if call set_frozen(s%qm_top, frozen) end subroutine subroutine ommp_terminate_qm_helper(s) use mod_qm_helper, only: qm_helper_terminate implicit none type(ommp_qm_helper), pointer, intent(inout) :: s call qm_helper_terminate(s) deallocate(s) end subroutine subroutine ommp_qm_helper_update_coord(s, cqm) use mod_qm_helper, only: qm_helper_update_coord implicit none type(ommp_qm_helper), intent(inout) :: s real(ommp_real), intent(in) :: cqm(:,:) call qm_helper_update_coord(s, cqm) end subroutine function ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy(qm, s) result(evdw) use mod_qm_helper, only: qm_helper_vdw_energy implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout) :: s type(ommp_qm_helper), intent(in) :: qm real(ommp_real) :: evdw evdw = 0.0 call qm_helper_vdw_energy(qm, s, evdw) end function subroutine ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy_by_atom(qm, s, evdw_ba) use mod_nonbonded, only: vdw_potential_inter_restricted use mod_memory, only: mallocate, mfree implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout) :: s type(ommp_qm_helper), intent(in) :: qm real(ommp_real), intent(inout) :: evdw_ba(qm%qm_top%mm_atoms) real(ommp_real), allocatable :: sf(:) integer(ommp_integer), allocatable :: pairs(:,:) integer(ommp_integer) :: i, j call mallocate('[ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy_by_atom] sf', s%top%mm_atoms, sf) call mallocate('[ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy_by_atom] pairs', 2, s%top%mm_atoms, pairs) sf = 1. do j=1, s%top%mm_atoms pairs(2,j) = j end do do i=1, qm%qm_top%mm_atoms pairs(1,:) = i call vdw_potential_inter_restricted(qm%qm_vdw, s%vdw, pairs, sf, s%top%mm_atoms, evdw_ba(i)) end do call mfree('[ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy_by_atom] sf', sf) call mfree('[ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy_by_atom] pairs', pairs) end subroutine subroutine ommp_qm_helper_vdw_geomgrad(qm, s, qmg, mmg) use mod_qm_helper, only: qm_helper_vdw_geomgrad implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout) :: s type(ommp_qm_helper), intent(in) :: qm real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: qmg(:,:), mmg(:,:) mmg = 0.0 qmg = 0.0 call qm_helper_vdw_geomgrad(qm, s, qmg, mmg) end subroutine subroutine ommp_qm_helper_link_atom_geomgrad(qm, s, qmg, mmg, old_qmg) use mod_qm_helper, only: qm_helper_link_atom_geomgrad implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout) :: s type(ommp_qm_helper), intent(in) :: qm real(ommp_real), intent(out) :: qmg(:,:), mmg(:,:) real(ommp_real), intent(in) :: old_qmg(:,:) mmg = 0.0 qmg = 0.0 call qm_helper_link_atom_geomgrad(qm, s, qmg, mmg, old_qmg) end subroutine function ommp_create_link_atom(qm, s, imm, iqm, ila, prmfile, & la_dist_in, n_eel_remove_in) result(la_idx) #define _MM_ 1 #define _QM_ 2 #define _LA_ 3 use mod_link_atom, only: link_atom_position, init_link_atom, & default_link_atom_dist, default_link_atom_n_eel_remove, & init_eel_for_link_atom, & init_vdw_for_link_atom, & init_bonded_for_link_atom, & add_link_atom use mod_topology, only: create_new_bond use mod_qm_helper, only: qm_helper_update_coord, qm_helper_init_vdw_prm use mod_mmpol, only: mmpol_init_link_atom use mod_nonbonded, only: vdw_remove_potential use mod_memory, only: lp implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout) :: s type(ommp_qm_helper), intent(inout) :: qm integer(ommp_integer), intent(in) :: iqm, imm, ila character(len=*), intent(in) :: prmfile integer(ommp_integer), optional, intent(in) :: n_eel_remove_in real(ommp_real), optional, intent(in) :: la_dist_in integer(ommp_integer) :: la_idx, n_eel_remove, i real(ommp_real) :: la_dist real(ommp_real), allocatable :: cnew(:,:) real(ommp_real), dimension(3) :: cla character(len=OMMP_STR_CHAR_MAX) :: message ! Handle optional arguments n_eel_remove = default_link_atom_n_eel_remove la_dist = default_link_atom_dist if(present(n_eel_remove_in)) n_eel_remove = n_eel_remove_in if(present(la_dist_in)) la_dist = la_dist_in ! Sanity checks if(.not. qm%qm_top%attype_initialized) then call ommp_fatal("For a correct handling of link atoms you should & &initialize atom types for QM atoms before.") end if ! If it is still not initialized, initialize link atom structure if(.not. s%use_linkatoms) then call ommp_message("Initializing link atom module", OMMP_VERBOSE_DEBUG, 'linkatom') call mmpol_init_link_atom(s) call init_link_atom(s%la, qm%qm_top, s%top) ! TODO otherwise check if the qm system is the same... end if ! If VdW for QM part are not initialized, it's the right moment to do so if(.not. qm%use_nonbonded) then call ommp_message("Initializing VdW in QM Helper", OMMP_VERBOSE_DEBUG, 'linkatom') call qm_helper_init_vdw_prm(qm, prmfile) end if ! Sanity check if(iqm == ila) then call ommp_fatal("QM atom and link atom should have different indices") end if if(iqm > s%la%qmtop%mm_atoms .or. iqm < 1) then call ommp_fatal("QM atom index is not in the topology.") end if if(ila > s%la%qmtop%mm_atoms .or. ila < 1) then call ommp_fatal("LA atom index is not in the topology.") end if if(imm > s%la%mmtop%mm_atoms .or. imm < 1) then call ommp_fatal("MM atom index is not in the topology.") end if ! TODO check that link atom is a monovalent hydrogen ! Create the link atom inside OMMP main object write(message, "('Creating link [',I0,'] (MM) - [',I0,'] (LA) - [',& &I0,'] (QM) with a fixed distance LA-QM of ', F5.3, ' A.U.')") & imm, ila, iqm, la_dist call ommp_message(message, OMMP_VERBOSE_DEBUG, 'linkatom') call add_link_atom(s%la, imm, iqm, ila, la_dist) ! Compute new QM coordinates (for link atom only actually) and update allocate(cnew(3,qm%qm_top%mm_atoms)) cnew = qm%qm_top%cmm call link_atom_position(s%la, s%la%nla, cla) write(message, '(A, I0, A, 3F8.4, A, 3F8.4, A)') & "Link atom [", ila, "] will be moved from [", & cnew(:,ila), "] to [", cla, "]." call ommp_message(message, OMMP_VERBOSE_LOW, 'linkatom') cnew(:,ila) = cla call qm_helper_update_coord(qm, cnew, logical(.true., lp), s%la%links(_LA_,1:s%la%nla)) do i=1, s%la%nla call create_new_bond(qm%qm_top, s%la%links(_QM_,i), s%la%links(_LA_,i)) end do deallocate(cnew) call ommp_message("Preparing electrostatics for link atom", & OMMP_VERBOSE_LOW, 'linkatom') call init_eel_for_link_atom(s%la, imm, ila, s%eel, prmfile) ! Remove non-bonded interactions from link atom inside QMHelper object write(message, '(A, I0, A)') "Removing VdW interactions from link atom (QM) [", ila, "]" call ommp_message(message, OMMP_VERBOSE_DEBUG, 'linkatom') call vdw_remove_potential(qm%qm_vdw, ila) ! Screen vdw interactions between QM and MM atoms if(qm%use_nonbonded .and. s%use_nonbonded) then call init_vdw_for_link_atom(s%la, & iqm, imm, & s%vdw%vdw_screening) end if if(s%use_bonded) then call init_bonded_for_link_atom(s%la, prmfile) end if ! Return link atom index la_idx = s%la%nla #undef _MM_ #undef _QM_ #undef _LA_ end function subroutine ommp_get_link_atom_coordinates(s, la_idx, crd) use mod_link_atom, only : link_atom_position implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(in) :: s integer(ommp_integer), intent(in) :: la_idx real(ommp_real), dimension(3), intent(out) :: crd if(s%use_linkatoms) then call link_atom_position(s%la, la_idx, crd) end if end subroutine subroutine ommp_update_link_atoms_position(qm, s) use mod_link_atom, only : link_atom_position, link_atom_update_merged_topology use mod_qm_helper, only: qm_helper_update_coord use mod_io, only: ommp_message implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout) :: s type(ommp_qm_helper), intent(inout) :: qm integer(ommp_integer) :: i, ila real(ommp_real), dimension(3) :: crd real(ommp_real), allocatable :: cnew(:,:) character(len=OMMP_STR_CHAR_MAX) :: message if(s%use_linkatoms) then call link_atom_update_merged_topology(s%la) allocate(cnew(3,qm%qm_top%mm_atoms)) cnew = qm%qm_top%cmm do i=1, s%la%nla ila = s%la%links(3,i) call link_atom_position(s%la, i, crd) write(message, '(A, I0, A, 3F8.4, A, 3F8.4, A)') & "Link atom [", ila, "] will be moved from [", & cnew(:,ila), "] to [", crd, "]." call ommp_message(message, OMMP_VERBOSE_LOW, 'linkatom') cnew(:,ila) = crd end do call qm_helper_update_coord(qm, cnew) deallocate(cnew) end if end subroutine subroutine ommp_smartinput(json_filename, system, qmhelp) use iso_c_binding, only: c_char, c_ptr, c_loc, & c_null_char, c_f_pointer !! External interface for smartinput function character(len=*), intent(in) :: json_filename type(ommp_system), intent(inout), pointer :: system type(ommp_qm_helper), intent(inout), pointer :: qmhelp interface subroutine c_smartinput(json_fname, s, q) bind(c) use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr implicit none type(c_ptr), value :: json_fname type(c_ptr) :: s, q ! Pointer to pointer end subroutine end interface character(kind=c_char), pointer :: c_json_filename(:) type(c_ptr) :: c_system, c_qmhelp, c_json_fname_p integer :: i c_system = c_loc(system) c_qmhelp = c_loc(qmhelp) allocate(c_json_filename(len(json_filename) + 1)) do i=1, len(json_filename) c_json_filename(i) = json_filename(i:i) end do c_json_filename(i) = c_null_char c_json_fname_p = c_loc(c_json_filename) call c_smartinput(c_json_fname_p, c_system, c_qmhelp) ! Put everything back in Fortran pointers call c_f_pointer(c_system, system) call c_f_pointer(c_qmhelp, qmhelp) deallocate(c_json_filename) end subroutine subroutine ommp_smartinput_cpstr(json_filename, path, outs) use iso_c_binding, only: c_char, c_ptr, c_loc, & c_null_char, c_f_pointer, c_new_line !! External interface for smartinput function character(len=*), intent(in) :: json_filename character(len=*), intent(in) :: path character(len=*), intent(inout) :: outs interface subroutine c_smartinput_cpstr(json_fname, path, outs) bind(c) use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr implicit none type(c_ptr), value :: json_fname, path type(c_ptr) :: outs ! Pointer to pointer end subroutine end interface character(kind=c_char), pointer :: c_json_filename(:), c_path(:) type(c_ptr) :: c_outs, c_json_fname_p, c_path_p integer :: i character(kind=c_char), pointer :: tmp(:) allocate(c_json_filename(len(json_filename) + 1)) allocate(c_path(len(path) + 1)) do i=1, len(json_filename) c_json_filename(i) = json_filename(i:i) end do c_json_filename(i) = c_null_char do i=1, len(path) c_path(i) = path(i:i) end do c_path(i) = c_null_char c_json_fname_p = c_loc(c_json_filename) c_path_p = c_loc(c_path) call c_smartinput_cpstr(c_json_fname_p, c_path_p, c_outs) ! Put everything back in Fortran pointers call c_f_pointer(c_outs, tmp, shape=[OMMP_STR_CHAR_MAX]) do i=1, OMMP_STR_CHAR_MAX if(tmp(i) == c_null_char .or. tmp(i) == c_new_line) exit outs(i:i) = tmp(i) end do deallocate(tmp) deallocate(c_json_filename, c_path) end subroutine subroutine ommp_system_from_qm_helper(qmh, prm_file, sys) !! Takes in input a QM Helper object, with initialized !! atom types, and using a parameter file, it generates a !! OMMP System object that corresponds to the QM system. !! It is used for internal testing pourpose but other !! creative things are always possible. use mod_mmpol, only: mmpol_prepare, mmpol_init, mmpol_init_nonbonded, & mmpol_init_bonded use mod_topology, only: check_conn_matrix use mod_adjacency_mat, only: build_conn_upto_n use mod_prm, only: check_keyword, assign_pol, assign_mpoles, & assign_vdw, assign_bond, assign_angle, assign_urey, & assign_strbnd, assign_opb, assign_pitors, & assign_torsion, assign_tortors, assign_angtor, & assign_strtor, assign_imptorsion, get_prm_ff_type use mod_constants, only: OMMP_STR_CHAR_MAX use mod_io, only: fatal_error, large_file_read use mod_utils, only: str_to_lower, str_uncomment implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout), pointer :: sys type(ommp_qm_helper), intent(in) :: qmh character(len=*), intent(in) :: prm_file integer(ommp_integer) :: i, ist character(len=OMMP_STR_CHAR_MAX), allocatable :: prm_buf(:) if(.not. (qmh%qm_top%attype_initialized .and. & qmh%qm_top%atz_initialized)) & call ommp_fatal("In order to convert QM Helper to & &OMMP System atom types and atomic & &number should be set.") allocate(sys) ! Load prm file in RAM call large_file_read(prm_file, prm_buf) ! Remove comments from prm file !$omp parallel do do i=1, size(prm_buf) prm_buf(i) = str_to_lower(prm_buf(i)) prm_buf(i) = str_uncomment(prm_buf(i), '!') end do call mmpol_init(sys, get_prm_ff_type(prm_buf), & qmh%qm_top%mm_atoms, qmh%qm_top%mm_atoms) do i=1, sys%top%mm_atoms sys%eel%polar_mm(i) = i end do ! Copy the topology from QM system! sys%top%cmm = qmh%qm_top%cmm sys%top%use_frozen = qmh%qm_top%use_frozen sys%top%frozen = qmh%qm_top%frozen sys%top%atz_initialized = qmh%qm_top%atz_initialized sys%top%atz = qmh%qm_top%atz sys%top%attype_initialized = qmh%qm_top%attype_initialized sys%top%attype = qmh%qm_top%attype ! Create connectivities from adjacency matrix call build_conn_upto_n(qmh%qm_top%conn(1), 4, sys%top%conn, .false.) ! Now assign parameters if( .not. check_keyword(prm_buf)) then call ommp_fatal("PRM file cannot be completely understood") end if call ommp_message("QMH->SYS Assigning electrostatic parameters", OMMP_VERBOSE_DEBUG) call assign_pol(sys%eel, prm_buf) call assign_mpoles(sys%eel, prm_buf) call ommp_message("QMH->SYS Assigning non-bonded parameters", OMMP_VERBOSE_DEBUG) call mmpol_init_nonbonded(sys) call assign_vdw(sys%vdw, sys%top, prm_buf) call ommp_message("QMH->SYS Assigning bonded parameters", OMMP_VERBOSE_DEBUG) call mmpol_init_bonded(sys) call check_conn_matrix(sys%top, 4) call assign_bond(sys%bds, prm_buf) call assign_angle(sys%bds, prm_buf) call assign_urey(sys%bds, prm_buf) call assign_strbnd(sys%bds, prm_buf) call assign_opb(sys%bds, prm_buf) call assign_pitors(sys%bds, prm_buf) call assign_torsion(sys%bds, prm_buf) call assign_imptorsion(sys%bds, prm_buf) call assign_tortors(sys%bds, prm_buf) call assign_angtor(sys%bds, prm_buf) call assign_strtor(sys%bds, prm_buf) deallocate(prm_buf) call mmpol_prepare(sys) call ommp_message('QMH->SYS Completed', OMMP_VERBOSE_DEBUG) end subroutine ommp_system_from_qm_helper subroutine ommp_set_vdw_cutoff(s, cutoff) use mod_nonbonded, only: vdw_set_cutoff use mod_constants, only: OMMP_DEFAULT_NL_SUB implicit none type(ommp_system), intent(inout) :: s real(ommp_real), intent(in) :: cutoff if(s%use_nonbonded) then call vdw_set_cutoff(s%vdw, cutoff, OMMP_DEFAULT_NL_SUB) end if end subroutine end module ommp_interface