assign_torsion Subroutine

public subroutine assign_torsion(bds, prm_buf)


  • proc~~assign_torsion~~UsesGraph proc~assign_torsion assign_torsion module~mod_memory mod_memory proc~assign_torsion->module~mod_memory module~mod_bonded mod_bonded proc~assign_torsion->module~mod_bonded module~mod_constants mod_constants proc~assign_torsion->module~mod_constants module~mod_memory->module~mod_constants iso_c_binding iso_c_binding module~mod_memory->iso_c_binding module~mod_io mod_io module~mod_memory->module~mod_io module~mod_bonded->module~mod_memory module~mod_bonded->module~mod_io module~mod_topology mod_topology module~mod_bonded->module~mod_topology module~mod_constants->iso_c_binding module~mod_io->module~mod_constants module~mod_topology->module~mod_memory module~mod_adjacency_mat mod_adjacency_mat module~mod_topology->module~mod_adjacency_mat module~mod_adjacency_mat->module~mod_memory


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(ommp_bonded_type), intent(inout) :: bds

Bonded potential data structure

character(len=OMMP_STR_CHAR_MAX), intent(in) :: prm_buf(:)


proc~~assign_torsion~~CallsGraph proc~assign_torsion assign_torsion proc~read_atom_cards read_atom_cards proc~assign_torsion->proc~read_atom_cards proc~isreal isreal proc~assign_torsion->proc~isreal proc~tokenize tokenize proc~assign_torsion->proc~tokenize interface~mallocate mallocate proc~assign_torsion->interface~mallocate proc~fatal_error fatal_error proc~assign_torsion->proc~fatal_error proc~isint isint proc~assign_torsion->proc~isint interface~mfree mfree proc~assign_torsion->interface~mfree proc~ommp_message ommp_message proc~assign_torsion->proc~ommp_message proc~torsion_init torsion_init proc~assign_torsion->proc~torsion_init proc~read_atom_cards->proc~tokenize proc~read_atom_cards->interface~mallocate proc~read_atom_cards->proc~fatal_error proc~read_atom_cards->proc~isint proc~read_atom_cards->interface~mfree proc~count_substr_occurence count_substr_occurence proc~read_atom_cards->proc~count_substr_occurence proc~r_alloc2 r_alloc2 interface~mallocate->proc~r_alloc2 proc~i_alloc1 i_alloc1 interface~mallocate->proc~i_alloc1 proc~r_alloc1 r_alloc1 interface~mallocate->proc~r_alloc1 proc~r_alloc3 r_alloc3 interface~mallocate->proc~r_alloc3 proc~i_alloc2 i_alloc2 interface~mallocate->proc~i_alloc2 proc~i_alloc3 i_alloc3 interface~mallocate->proc~i_alloc3 proc~l_alloc1 l_alloc1 interface~mallocate->proc~l_alloc1 proc~l_alloc2 l_alloc2 interface~mallocate->proc~l_alloc2 proc~fatal_error->proc~ommp_message proc~close_output close_output proc~fatal_error->proc~close_output proc~r_free3 r_free3 interface~mfree->proc~r_free3 proc~r_free2 r_free2 interface~mfree->proc~r_free2 proc~i_free3 i_free3 interface~mfree->proc~i_free3 proc~l_free2 l_free2 interface~mfree->proc~l_free2 proc~l_free1 l_free1 interface~mfree->proc~l_free1 proc~r_free1 r_free1 interface~mfree->proc~r_free1 proc~i_free2 i_free2 interface~mfree->proc~i_free2 proc~i_free1 i_free1 interface~mfree->proc~i_free1 proc~torsion_init->interface~mallocate proc~chk_free chk_free proc~r_free3->proc~chk_free proc~r_free2->proc~chk_free proc~i_free3->proc~chk_free proc~l_free2->proc~chk_free proc~l_free1->proc~chk_free proc~chk_alloc chk_alloc proc~r_alloc2->proc~chk_alloc proc~memory_init memory_init proc~r_alloc2->proc~memory_init proc~i_alloc1->proc~chk_alloc proc~i_alloc1->proc~memory_init proc~r_alloc1->proc~chk_alloc proc~r_alloc1->proc~memory_init proc~r_alloc3->proc~chk_alloc proc~r_alloc3->proc~memory_init proc~i_alloc2->proc~chk_alloc proc~i_alloc2->proc~memory_init proc~i_alloc3->proc~chk_alloc proc~i_alloc3->proc~memory_init proc~l_alloc1->proc~chk_alloc proc~l_alloc1->proc~memory_init proc~l_alloc2->proc~chk_alloc proc~l_alloc2->proc~memory_init proc~close_output->proc~ommp_message proc~r_free1->proc~chk_free proc~i_free2->proc~chk_free proc~i_free1->proc~chk_free proc~chk_free->proc~fatal_error proc~chk_alloc->proc~fatal_error

Called by

proc~~assign_torsion~~CalledByGraph proc~assign_torsion assign_torsion proc~mmpol_init_from_xyz mmpol_init_from_xyz proc~mmpol_init_from_xyz->proc~assign_torsion proc~ommp_system_from_qm_helper ommp_system_from_qm_helper proc~ommp_system_from_qm_helper->proc~assign_torsion proc~init_bonded_for_link_atom init_bonded_for_link_atom proc~init_bonded_for_link_atom->proc~assign_torsion proc~ommp_init_xyz ommp_init_xyz proc~ommp_init_xyz->proc~mmpol_init_from_xyz proc~ommp_create_link_atom ommp_create_link_atom proc~ommp_create_link_atom->proc~init_bonded_for_link_atom proc~c_ommp_system_from_qm_helper C_ommp_system_from_qm_helper proc~c_ommp_system_from_qm_helper->proc~ommp_system_from_qm_helper proc~c_ommp_init_xyz C_ommp_init_xyz proc~c_ommp_init_xyz->proc~ommp_init_xyz proc~c_ommp_create_link_atom C_ommp_create_link_atom proc~c_ommp_create_link_atom->proc~ommp_create_link_atom


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine assign_torsion(bds, prm_buf)
        use mod_memory, only: mallocate, mfree
        use mod_bonded, only: torsion_init
        use mod_constants, only: kcalmol2au, deg2rad, eps_rp
        implicit none
        type(ommp_bonded_type), intent(inout) :: bds
        !! Bonded potential data structure
        character(len=OMMP_STR_CHAR_MAX), intent(in) :: prm_buf(:)

        integer(ip) :: il, i, j, tokb, toke, it, nt, &
                       cla, clb, clc, cld, maxt, a, b, c, d, jb, jc, jd, iprm, ji, period
        character(len=OMMP_STR_CHAR_MAX) :: line, errstring
        integer(ip), allocatable :: classa(:), classb(:), classc(:), classd(:), &
                                    t_n(:,:), tmpat(:,:), tmpprm(:), tmpbuf(:,:)
        real(rp), allocatable :: t_amp(:,:), t_pha(:,:)
        real(rp) :: amp, phase, torsion_unit = 1.0
        type(ommp_topology_type), pointer :: top
        logical :: done

        top => bds%top

        if(.not. top%atclass_initialized .or. .not. top%atz_initialized) then
            call read_atom_cards(top, prm_buf)
        end if
        ! Read all the lines of file just to count how large vector should be 
        ! allocated
        nt = 1
        do il=1, size(prm_buf) 
            line = prm_buf(il)
            if(line(:8) == 'torsion ') nt = nt + 1
        end do
        maxt = top%conn(3)%ri(top%mm_atoms+1)-1
        call mallocate('assign_torsion [classa]', nt, classa)
        call mallocate('assign_torsion [classb]', nt, classb)
        call mallocate('assign_torsion [classc]', nt, classc)
        call mallocate('assign_torsion [classd]', nt, classd)
        call mallocate('assign_torsion [t_amp]', 6_ip, nt, t_amp)
        call mallocate('assign_torsion [t_pha]', 6_ip, nt, t_pha)
        call mallocate('assign_torsion [t_n]', 6_ip, nt, t_n)
        call mallocate('assign_torsion [tmpat]', 4_ip, maxt, tmpat)
        call mallocate('assign_torsion [tmpprm]', maxt, tmpprm)
        t_amp = 0.0
        t_pha = 0.0
        t_n = 1
        ! Restart the reading from the beginning to actually save the parameters
        it = 1
        do il=1, size(prm_buf) 
            line = prm_buf(il)
            if(line(:12) == 'torsionunit ') then
                tokb = 13
                toke = tokenize(line, tokb)
                if(.not. isreal(line(tokb:toke))) then
                    write(errstring, *) "Wrong TORSIONUNIT card"
                    call fatal_error(errstring)
                end if
                read(line(tokb:toke), *) torsion_unit

            else if(line(:8) == 'torsion ') then
                tokb = 9
                toke = tokenize(line, tokb)
                if(.not. isint(line(tokb:toke))) then
                    write(errstring, *) "Wrong TORSION card"
                    call fatal_error(errstring)
                end if
                read(line(tokb:toke), *) classa(it)

                tokb = toke + 1
                toke = tokenize(line, tokb)
                if(.not. isint(line(tokb:toke))) then
                    write(errstring, *) "Wrong TORSION card"
                    call fatal_error(errstring)
                end if
                read(line(tokb:toke), *) classb(it)

                tokb = toke + 1
                toke = tokenize(line, tokb)
                if(.not. isint(line(tokb:toke))) then
                    write(errstring, *) "Wrong TORSION card"
                    call fatal_error(errstring)
                end if
                read(line(tokb:toke), *) classc(it)

                tokb = toke + 1
                toke = tokenize(line, tokb)
                if(.not. isint(line(tokb:toke))) then
                    write(errstring, *) "Wrong TORSION card"
                    call fatal_error(errstring)
                end if
                read(line(tokb:toke), *) classd(it)
                ji = 1
                t_n(:,it) = -1
                do j=1, 6
                    tokb = toke + 1
                    toke = tokenize(line, tokb)
                    if(toke < 0) exit

                    if(.not. isreal(line(tokb:toke))) then
                        write(errstring, *) "Wrong TORSION card"
                        call fatal_error(errstring)
                    end if
                    read(line(tokb:toke), *) amp
                    tokb = toke + 1
                    toke = tokenize(line, tokb)
                    if(.not. isreal(line(tokb:toke))) then
                        write(errstring, *) "Wrong TORSION card"
                        call fatal_error(errstring)
                    end if
                    read(line(tokb:toke), *) phase
                    tokb = toke + 1
                    toke = tokenize(line, tokb)
                    if(.not. isint(line(tokb:toke))) then
                        write(errstring, *) "Wrong TORSION card"
                        call fatal_error(errstring)
                    end if
                    read(line(tokb:toke), *) period

                    if(abs(amp) > eps_rp) then
                        t_amp(ji, it) = amp 
                        t_pha(ji, it) = phase
                        t_n(ji, it) = period
                        ji = ji + 1
                    end if
                end do

                if(j == 1) then
                    ! No parameter found
                    write(errstring, *) "Wrong TORSION card"
                    call fatal_error(errstring)
                end if
                it = it + 1
            end if
            i = i+1
        end do

        it = 1
        do a=1, top%mm_atoms
            cla = top%atclass(a)
            do jb=top%conn(1)%ri(a), top%conn(1)%ri(a+1)-1
                b = top%conn(1)%ci(jb)
                clb = top%atclass(b)
                do jc=top%conn(1)%ri(b), top%conn(1)%ri(b+1)-1
                    c = top%conn(1)%ci(jc)
                    if(c == a) cycle
                    clc = top%atclass(c)
                    do jd=top%conn(1)%ri(c), top%conn(1)%ri(c+1)-1
                        d = top%conn(1)%ci(jd)
                        if(d == a .or. d == b) cycle
                        if(a > d) cycle
                        cld = top%atclass(d)
                        ! There is a dihedral A-B-C-D
                        done = .false.
                        do iprm=1, nt
                            if((classa(iprm) == cla .and. &
                                classb(iprm) == clb .and. &
                                classc(iprm) == clc .and. &
                                classd(iprm) == cld) .or. &
                               (classa(iprm) == cld .and. &
                                classb(iprm) == clc .and. &
                                classc(iprm) == clb .and. &
                                 classd(iprm) == cla)) then
                                ! The parameter is ok
                                ! Extrem check to avoid memory errors.
                                if(it > maxt) then
                                    call mallocate('assign_torsion [tmpbuf]', 4, maxt, tmpbuf)
                                    tmpbuf(:,:) = tmpat(:,:)
                                    call mfree('assign_torsion [tmpat]', tmpat)
                                    call mallocate('assign_torsion [tmpat]', 4, maxt+maxt+1, tmpat)
                                    tmpat(:,1:maxt) = tmpbuf(:,:)
                                    call mfree('assign_torsion [tmpbuf]', tmpbuf)

                                    call mallocate('assign_torsion [tmpbuf]', 1, maxt, tmpbuf)
                                    tmpbuf(1,:) = tmpprm(:)
                                    call mfree('assign_torsion [tmpprm]', tmpprm)
                                    call mallocate('assign_torsion [tmpprm]', maxt+maxt+1, tmpprm)
                                    tmpprm(1:maxt) = tmpbuf(1,:)
                                    call mfree('assign_torsion [tmpbuf]', tmpbuf)

                                    maxt = 2*maxt + 1
                                end if

                                tmpat(:,it) = [a, b, c, d]
                                tmpprm(it) = iprm
                                done = .true.
                                it = it+1
                            end if
                        end do
                        if(.not. done) then
                            write(errstring, *) "No torsion parameter found for &
                                &atoms ", a, b, c, d, "(atom classes ", cla, clb, clc, cld, ")"
                            call ommp_message(errstring, OMMP_VERBOSE_DEBUG)
                        end if
                    end do
                end do
            end do
        end do

        call torsion_init(bds, it-1)
        do i=1, it-1
           bds%torsionat(:,i) = tmpat(:,i) 
           bds%torsamp(:,i) = t_amp(:,tmpprm(i)) * kcalmol2au * torsion_unit
           bds%torsphase(:,i) = t_pha(:,tmpprm(i)) * deg2rad
           bds%torsn(:,i) = t_n(:,tmpprm(i))
        end do
        call mfree('assign_torsion [classa]', classa)
        call mfree('assign_torsion [classb]', classb)
        call mfree('assign_torsion [classc]', classc)
        call mfree('assign_torsion [classd]', classd)
        call mfree('assign_torsion [t_amp]', t_amp)
        call mfree('assign_torsion [t_pha]', t_pha)
        call mfree('assign_torsion [t_n]', t_n)
        call mfree('assign_torsion [tmpat]', tmpat)
        call mfree('assign_torsion [tmpprm]', tmpprm)
    end subroutine assign_torsion