vdw_potential_inter_restricted Subroutine

public subroutine vdw_potential_inter_restricted(vdw1, vdw2, pairs, s, n, V)


  • proc~~vdw_potential_inter_restricted~~UsesGraph proc~vdw_potential_inter_restricted vdw_potential_inter_restricted module~mod_constants mod_constants proc~vdw_potential_inter_restricted->module~mod_constants module~mod_io mod_io proc~vdw_potential_inter_restricted->module~mod_io iso_c_binding iso_c_binding module~mod_constants->iso_c_binding module~mod_io->module~mod_constants

Compute the dispersion repulsion energy between two systems vdw1 and vdw2 accounting only for the pairs pairs(1,i)--pairs(2,i) and scaling each interaction by s(i).


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(ommp_nonbonded_type), intent(in), target :: vdw1

Nonbonded data structure

type(ommp_nonbonded_type), intent(in), target :: vdw2

Nonbonded data structure

integer(kind=ip), intent(in) :: pairs(2,n)

pairs of atoms for which the interaction should be computed

real(kind=rp), intent(in) :: s(:)

scaling factors for each interaction

integer(kind=ip), intent(in) :: n

number of pairs for which the interaction should be computed

real(kind=rp), intent(inout) :: V

Potential, result will be added


proc~~vdw_potential_inter_restricted~~CallsGraph proc~vdw_potential_inter_restricted vdw_potential_inter_restricted proc~fatal_error fatal_error proc~vdw_potential_inter_restricted->proc~fatal_error proc~get_eij_inter get_eij_inter proc~vdw_potential_inter_restricted->proc~get_eij_inter proc~get_rij0_inter get_Rij0_inter proc~vdw_potential_inter_restricted->proc~get_rij0_inter proc~ommp_message ommp_message proc~fatal_error->proc~ommp_message proc~close_output close_output proc~fatal_error->proc~close_output proc~close_output->proc~ommp_message

Called by

proc~~vdw_potential_inter_restricted~~CalledByGraph proc~vdw_potential_inter_restricted vdw_potential_inter_restricted proc~qm_helper_vdw_energy qm_helper_vdw_energy proc~qm_helper_vdw_energy->proc~vdw_potential_inter_restricted proc~ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy_by_atom ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy_by_atom proc~ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy_by_atom->proc~vdw_potential_inter_restricted proc~ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy proc~ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy->proc~qm_helper_vdw_energy proc~c_ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy_by_atoms C_ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy_by_atoms proc~c_ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy_by_atoms->proc~ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy_by_atom proc~c_ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy C_ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy proc~c_ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy->proc~ommp_qm_helper_vdw_energy


Source Code

    subroutine vdw_potential_inter_restricted(vdw1, vdw2, pairs, s, n, V)
        !! Compute the dispersion repulsion energy between two systems vdw1
        !! and vdw2 accounting only for the pairs pairs(1,i)--pairs(2,i) and scaling 
        !! each interaction by s(i).

        use mod_io, only : fatal_error
        use mod_constants, only: eps_rp
        implicit none

        type(ommp_nonbonded_type), intent(in), target :: vdw1, vdw2
        !! Nonbonded data structure
        integer(ip), intent(in) :: n
        !! number of pairs for which the interaction should be computed
        integer(ip), intent(in) :: pairs(2,n)
        !! pairs of atoms for which the interaction should be computed
        real(rp), intent(in) :: s(:)
        !! scaling factors for each interaction
        real(rp), intent(inout) :: V
        !! Potential, result will be added

        integer(ip) :: i, j, ineigh, ip
        real(rp) :: eij, rij0, rij, ci(3), cj(3), vtmp
        type(ommp_topology_type), pointer :: top1, top2
        procedure(vdw_term), pointer :: vdw_func

        top1 => vdw1%top
        top2 => vdw2%top

        if(vdw1%vdwtype /= vdw2%vdwtype .or. &
           vdw1%radrule /= vdw2%radrule .or. &
           vdw1%epsrule /= vdw2%epsrule) then
            call fatal_error("Requested VdW potential between two incompatible &
                             &VdW groups.")
       end if

        select case(vdw1%vdwtype)
                vdw_func => vdw_lennard_jones
                vdw_func => vdw_buffered_7_14
            case default
                vdw_func => vdw_buffered_7_14
                call fatal_error("Unexpected error in vdw_potential_inter_restricted")
        end select

        !$omp parallel do default(shared) schedule(dynamic) &
        !$omp private(i,j,ip,ci,cj,ineigh,Rij,Rij0,Eij,vtmp) reduction(+:v) 
        do ip=1, n
            i = pairs(1,ip)
            j = pairs(2,ip)

            if(abs(vdw1%vdw_f(i) - 1.0_rp) < eps_rp) then
                ci = top1%cmm(:,i)
                ! Scale factors are used only for monovalent atoms, in that
                ! case the vdw center is displaced along the axis connecting
                ! the atom to its neighbour
                if(top1%conn(1)%ri(i+1) - top1%conn(1)%ri(i) /= 1) then
                    call fatal_error("Scale factors are only expected for &
                                     &monovalent atoms")
                end if
                ineigh = top1%conn(1)%ci(top1%conn(1)%ri(i))

                ci = top1%cmm(:,ineigh) + (top1%cmm(:,i) - top1%cmm(:,ineigh)) &
                     * vdw1%vdw_f(i)
            Rij0 = get_Rij0_inter(vdw1, vdw2, i, j)
            eij = get_eij_inter(vdw1, vdw2, i, j)
            if(abs(vdw2%vdw_f(j) - 1.0_rp) < eps_rp) then
                cj = top2%cmm(:,j)
                ! Scale factors are used only for monovalent atoms, in that
                ! case the vdw center is displaced along the axis connecting
                ! the atom to its neighbour
                if(top2%conn(1)%ri(j+1) - top2%conn(1)%ri(j) /= 1) then
                    call fatal_error("Scale factors are only expected &
                                        & for monovalent atoms")
                end if
                ineigh = top2%conn(1)%ci(top2%conn(1)%ri(j))

                cj = top2%cmm(:,ineigh) + &
                        (top2%cmm(:,j) - top2%cmm(:,ineigh)) * vdw2%vdw_f(j)
            Rij = norm2(ci-cj)
            if(Rij < eps_rp) then
                call fatal_error("Requesting inter non-bonded potential for two atoms &
                                 &placed in the same point, this could be &
                                 &an internal bug or a problem in your input &
                                 &file, please check.")
            end if
            vtmp = 0.0_rp
            call vdw_func(Rij, Rij0, Eij, vtmp)
            v = v + vtmp * s(ip)
        end do
    end subroutine vdw_potential_inter_restricted