Compute torsion potential
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(ommp_bonded_type), | intent(in) | :: | bds | |||
real(kind=rp), | intent(inout) | :: | grad(3,bds%top%mm_atoms) |
Gradients of bond stretching terms of potential energy |
subroutine torsion_geomgrad(bds, grad)
!! Compute torsion potential
use mod_jacobian_mat, only: torsion_angle_jacobian
implicit none
type(ommp_bonded_type), intent(in) :: bds
! Bonded potential data structure
real(rp), intent(inout) :: grad(3,bds%top%mm_atoms)
!! Gradients of bond stretching terms of potential energy
real(rp) :: thet, g, J_a(3), J_b(3), J_c(3), J_d(3)
integer(ip) :: i, j, ia, ib, ic, id
logical :: sk_a, sk_b, sk_c, sk_d
if(.not. bds%use_torsion) return
!$omp parallel do default(shared) &
!$omp private(i,ia,ib,ic,id,sk_a,sk_b,sk_c,sk_d,j,thet,J_a,J_b,J_c,J_d,g)
do i=1, bds%ntorsion
ia = bds%torsionat(1,i)
ib = bds%torsionat(2,i)
ic = bds%torsionat(3,i)
id = bds%torsionat(4,i)
if(bds%top%use_frozen) then
sk_a = bds%top%frozen(ia)
sk_b = bds%top%frozen(ib)
sk_c = bds%top%frozen(ic)
sk_d = bds%top%frozen(id)
if(sk_a .and. sk_b .and. sk_c .and. sk_d) cycle
sk_a = .false.
sk_b = .false.
sk_c = .false.
sk_d = .false.
end if
call torsion_angle_jacobian(bds%top%cmm(:,ia), &
bds%top%cmm(:,ib), &
bds%top%cmm(:,ic), &
bds%top%cmm(:,id), &
thet, J_a, J_b, J_c, J_d)
do j=1, 6
if(bds%torsn(j,i) < 1) exit
g = -real(bds%torsn(j,i)) * sin(real(bds%torsn(j,i))* thet &
- bds%torsphase(j,i)) &
* bds%torsamp(j,i)
if(.not. sk_a) then
!$omp atomic update
grad(1, ia) = grad(1, ia) + J_a(1) * g
!$omp atomic update
grad(2, ia) = grad(2, ia) + J_a(2) * g
!$omp atomic update
grad(3, ia) = grad(3, ia) + J_a(3) * g
end if
if(.not. sk_b) then
!$omp atomic update
grad(1, ib) = grad(1, ib) + J_b(1) * g
!$omp atomic update
grad(2, ib) = grad(2, ib) + J_b(2) * g
!$omp atomic update
grad(3, ib) = grad(3, ib) + J_b(3) * g
end if
if(.not. sk_c) then
!$omp atomic update
grad(1, ic) = grad(1, ic) + J_c(1) * g
!$omp atomic update
grad(2, ic) = grad(2, ic) + J_c(2) * g
!$omp atomic update
grad(3, ic) = grad(3, ic) + J_c(3) * g
end if
if(.not. sk_d) then
!$omp atomic update
grad(1, id) = grad(1, id) + J_d(1) * g
!$omp atomic update
grad(2, id) = grad(2, id) + J_d(2) * g
!$omp atomic update
grad(3, id) = grad(3, id) + J_d(3) * g
end if
end do
end do
end subroutine torsion_geomgrad