Perform matrix vector multiplication y = [TMat-diag(TMat)]*x, where TMat is polarization matrix (precomputed and stored in memory) and x and y are column vectors
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(ommp_electrostatics_type), | intent(in) | :: | eel |
The electostatic data structure |
real(kind=rp), | intent(in), | dimension(3*eel%pol_atoms) | :: | x |
Input vector |
real(kind=rp), | intent(out), | dimension(3*eel%pol_atoms) | :: | y |
Output vector |
subroutine TMatVec_offdiag(eel, x, y)
!! Perform matrix vector multiplication y = [TMat-diag(TMat)]*x,
!! where TMat is polarization matrix (precomputed and stored in memory)
!! and x and y are column vectors
use mod_memory, only: mallocate, mfree
implicit none
type(ommp_electrostatics_type), intent(in) :: eel
!! The electostatic data structure
real(rp), dimension(3*eel%pol_atoms), intent(in) :: x
!! Input vector
real(rp), dimension(3*eel%pol_atoms), intent(out) :: y
!! Output vector
integer(ip) :: i, n
n = 3*eel%pol_atoms
! Compute the matrix vector product
call dgemm('N', 'N', n, 1, n, 1.0_rp, eel%tmat, n, x, n, 0.0_rp, y, n)
! Subtract the product of diagonal
!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(i)
do i = 1, n
y(i) = y(i) - eel%tmat(i,i) * x(i)
end do
end subroutine TMatVec_offdiag