Compute the stretch-bend cross term potential.
Those terms are computed according the following formula:
where is the angle delimited by the bond and
The force constants and are explicitely defined in
the FF, while the equilibrium values are the same as for stretching
and bending terms.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(ommp_bonded_type), | intent(in) | :: | bds | |||
real(kind=rp), | intent(inout) | :: | V |
Stretch-bend cross term potential, result will be added to V |
subroutine strbnd_potential(bds, V)
!! Compute the stretch-bend cross term potential.
!! Those terms are computed according the following formula:
!! \[U_{bond/angle} = (k_i \Delta l_i + k_j \Delta l_j)
!! \Delta \theta_{ij} \]
!! where \(\theta_{ij}\) is the angle delimited by the bond \(i\) and
!! \(j\).
!! The force constants \(k_i\) and \(k_j\) are explicitely defined in
!! the FF, while the equilibrium values are the same as for stretching
!! and bending terms.
implicit none
type(ommp_bonded_type), intent(in) :: bds
! Bonded potential data structure
real(rp), intent(inout) :: V
!! Stretch-bend cross term potential, result will be added to V
integer(ip) :: i
real(rp) :: d_l1, d_l2, d_thet, dr1(3), dr2(3), l1, l2, thet
if(.not. bds%use_strbnd) return
!$omp parallel do default(shared) reduction(+:V) &
!$omp private(i,dr1,l1,l2,d_l1,d_l2,dr2,thet,d_thet)
do i=1, bds%nstrbnd
dr1 = bds%top%cmm(:, bds%strbndat(2,i)) - &
bds%top%cmm(:, bds%strbndat(1,i))
l1 = norm2(dr1)
d_l1 = l1 - bds%strbndl10(i)
dr2 = bds%top%cmm(:, bds%strbndat(2,i)) - &
bds%top%cmm(:, bds%strbndat(3,i))
l2 = norm2(dr2)
d_l2 = l2 - bds%strbndl20(i)
thet = acos(dot_product(dr1, dr2)/(l1*l2))
d_thet = thet - bds%strbndthet0(i)
V = V + (d_l1*bds%strbndk1(i) + d_l2*bds%strbndk2(i)) * d_thet
end do
end subroutine strbnd_potential