mmpol_save_as_mmp Subroutine

public subroutine mmpol_save_as_mmp(sys_obj, of_name, r_version)


  • proc~~mmpol_save_as_mmp~~UsesGraph proc~mmpol_save_as_mmp mmpol_save_as_mmp module~mod_constants mod_constants proc~mmpol_save_as_mmp->module~mod_constants module~mod_io mod_io proc~mmpol_save_as_mmp->module~mod_io iso_c_binding iso_c_binding module~mod_constants->iso_c_binding module~mod_io->module~mod_constants

Save the loaded system in mmpol format. Only the electrostatic part is saved, everything else is just ignored. Version 2 and 3 of the mmp format are supported, 3 is used as default.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(ommp_system), intent(in), target :: sys_obj

System data structure to be saved

character(len=*), intent(in) :: of_name

Name of the output file

integer(kind=ip), intent(in), optional :: r_version

Revision version requested for .mmp


proc~~mmpol_save_as_mmp~~CallsGraph proc~mmpol_save_as_mmp mmpol_save_as_mmp proc~fatal_error fatal_error proc~mmpol_save_as_mmp->proc~fatal_error proc~ommp_message ommp_message proc~fatal_error->proc~ommp_message proc~close_output close_output proc~fatal_error->proc~close_output proc~close_output->proc~ommp_message

Called by

proc~~mmpol_save_as_mmp~~CalledByGraph proc~mmpol_save_as_mmp mmpol_save_as_mmp proc~c_ommp_save_mmp C_ommp_save_mmp proc~c_ommp_save_mmp->proc~mmpol_save_as_mmp


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine mmpol_save_as_mmp(sys_obj, of_name, r_version)
        !! Save the loaded system in mmpol format. Only the electrostatic part
        !! is saved, everything else is just ignored. Version 2 and 3 of the 
        !! mmp format are supported, 3 is used as default.
        use mod_io, only: ommp_message
        use mod_constants, only: mscale_wang_al, &
                                 pscale_wang_al, &
                                 dscale_wang_al, &
                                 uscale_wang_al, &
                                 mscale_wang_dl, &
                                 pscale_wang_dl, &
                                 dscale_wang_dl, &
                                 uscale_wang_dl, &
                                 eps_rp, angstrom2au

        implicit none

        type(ommp_system), target, intent(in) :: sys_obj
        !! System data structure to be saved
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: of_name
        !! Name of the output file
        integer(ip), intent(in), optional :: r_version
        !! Revision version requested for .mmp

        integer(ip) :: of_unit, version, i, jb, je, igrp, inta(120)
        type(ommp_electrostatics_type), pointer :: eel
        type(ommp_topology_type), pointer :: top

        eel => sys_obj%eel
        top => sys_obj%top

        if(.not. sys_obj%mmpol_is_init) then
            call fatal_error('OpenMMPol is not initialized, cannot save .mmp &
        end if
        if(present(r_version)) then
            version = r_version
            version = 3
        end if

        of_unit = 101
        open(unit=of_unit, &
             file=of_name(1:len(trim(of_name))), &
        ! 1.  Integer, revision number used to check if the MMPol.mmp file is 
        !     consistent with the Gaussian version being used
        if(version == 2 .or. version == 3) then
            write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') version
            call fatal_error("Requested version of .mmp file is not supported &
                             &by openMMPol")
        end if
        ! 2.  Integer, MMPol job type:
        !     0: for a QM/MM calculation (
        !     1: for a Tinker QM/MM calculation
        !     2: for a QM/MM electronic energy transfer (EET) calculation
        write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 0
        ! 3.  Integer, verbosity flag
        write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 3

        ! 4.  Integer, force field type:
        !     0: Amber-like
        !     1: AMOEBA-like
        if(sys_obj%amoeba) then
            write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 1
            write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 0
        end if
        ! 5.  Integer, force field sub-type. For AMBER:
        !     0: AMBER Wang-AL
        !     1: AMBER Wang-DL
        !     2: AMBER Thole
        !     0: AMOEBA
        if(sys_obj%amoeba) then
            write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 0
            if(all(abs(eel%mscale-mscale_wang_al) < eps_rp) .and. &
               all(abs(eel%pscale-pscale_wang_al) < eps_rp) .and. &
               all(abs(eel%dscale-dscale_wang_al) < eps_rp) .and. &
               all(abs(eel%uscale-uscale_wang_al) < eps_rp)) then
                write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 0
            else if(all(abs(eel%mscale-mscale_wang_dl) < eps_rp) .and. &
                    all(abs(eel%pscale-pscale_wang_dl) < eps_rp) .and. &
                    all(abs(eel%dscale-dscale_wang_dl) < eps_rp) .and. &
                    all(abs(eel%uscale-uscale_wang_dl) < eps_rp)) then
                write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 1
                call fatal_error("The scaling scheme used is non-standard and &
                                 &therefore cannot be saved in .mmp format")
            end if
        end if
        ! 6.  Integer, disabled flag
        write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 0

        ! 7.  Real, damping parameter for the dipole-dipole interactions
        !     (Angstrom)
        write(of_unit, '(F16.8)') 0.0

        ! 8.  Integer, solution method for the polarization equations 
        !     (suggested 3):
        !     0: default, same as 3
        !     1: matrix inversion
        !     2: iterative using Jacobi/DIIS
        !     3: iterative using preconditioned CG solver
        write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 0
        ! 9.  Integer, how to compute the matrix/vector products for 
        !     MMPol (suggested 3):
        !     0: default (1 for matrix inversion, 3 for iterative)
        !     1: assemble the matrix incore
        !     2: on-the-fly products with O(N^2) scaling
        !     3: on-the-fly products with the use of FMM if the system is large enough
        !     4: on-the-fly products with the use of FMM in all cases
        write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 0
        ! 10. Integer, convergence threshold (10^-N) for the iterative 
        !     solvers (suggested 8)
        write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 8

        ! 11. Integer, accuracy of the FMM calculations (suggested 0):
        !     <0: 10^-5 RMS 10^-4 Max Error
        !     0: 10^-6 RMS 10^-5 Max Error
        !     1: 10^-7 RMS 10^-6 Max Error
        !     >2: maximum accuracy
        write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 0     
        ! 12. Real, FMM box size for MM interactions (Angstrom) (suggested 12.0)
        write(of_unit, '(F16.8)') 12.0

        ! 13. Real, FMM box size for MM/PCM interactions (Angstrom) 
        !     (suggested 6.0)
        if(version == 3) then
            write(of_unit, '(F16.8)') 6.0
        end if

        ! 14. Integer, continuum solvation model:
        !     0: no continuum solvation model
        !     1: ddCOSMO
        !     2: ddPCM
        write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 0     
        ! 15. Integer, maximum angular momentum for PCM (suggested 10)
        write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 10

        ! 16. Integer, number of Lebedev integration points for PCM 
        !     (suggested 302)
        write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 302

        ! 17. Integer, convergence threshold (10^-N) for the PCM 
        !     iterative solvers (suggested 8)
        write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 8

        ! 18. Real, dielectric constant of the solvent for PCM (78.3 for water)
        write(of_unit, '(F16.8)') 78.3

        ! 19. Real, optical dielectric constant of the solvent for PCM 
        !     (1.7 for water)
        if(version == 3) then
            write(of_unit, '(F16.8)') 0.00
        end if

        ! 20. Real, relative size of the switching region for PCM 
        !     (suggested 0.1)
        write(of_unit, '(F16.8)') 0.1

        ! 21. Integer, cavity type for PCM (suggested 3):
        !     0: default, same as 3
        !     1: SAS cavity using UFF radii plus the probe radius
        !     2: Read the cavity from the input file 
        !        (the input must contain at least one sphere per atom)
        !     3: VdW cavity using Bondi's radii scaled by 1.1
        !     4: SAS cavity using Bondi's radii plus the probe radius
        write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 0
        ! 22. Real, probe radius for the SAS cavity (Angstrom) (1.4 for water)
        write(of_unit, '(F16.8)') 1.4

        ! 23. Integer, number of MM atoms
        write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') top%mm_atoms

        ! 24. Integer, number of spheres composing the cavity. 
        !     Mandatory if the cavity type is 2, additional spheres 
        !     if the cavity is automatically built.
        write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 0
        ! 25. Integer array, size (N): atomic numbers
        if(top%atz_initialized) then
            do i=1, top%mm_atoms
                write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') top%atz(i)
            end do
            do i=1, top%mm_atoms
                write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 1
            end do
        end if

        ! 26. Real array, size (N, 3): coordinates
        do i=1, top%mm_atoms
            write(of_unit, '(3F16.8)') top%cmm(:,i) / angstrom2au
        end do

        ! 27. Integer array, size (N): residue numbers
        do i=1, top%mm_atoms
            write(of_unit, '(I0,T2)') 1
        end do

        ! 28. Real array, size (N): charges or fiixed multipoles
        do i=1, top%mm_atoms
            if(sys_obj%amoeba) then
                write(of_unit, '(10F16.8)') eel%q0(:,i) * [1.0, & !q
                                                           1.0, 1.0, 1.0, & !mu
                                                           3.0, 3.0, 3.0, & ! Q
                                                           3.0, 3.0, 3.0]   ! Q

                write(of_unit, '(F16.8)') eel%q(:,i)
            end if
        end do

        ! 29. Real array, size (N): polarizabilities
        do i=1, top%mm_atoms
            if(eel%mm_polar(i) > 0) then
                write(of_unit, '(F16.8)') eel%pol(i) / (angstrom2au**3)
                write(of_unit, '(F16.8)') 0.0
            end if
        end do

        ! 30. Integer array, size (N, 8): connectivity matrix
        do i=1, top%mm_atoms
            jb = top%conn(1)%ri(i)
            je = top%conn(1)%ri(i+1)-1
            inta(1:8) = 0
            inta(1:je-jb+1) = top%conn(1)%ci(jb:je)
            write(of_unit, '(8I8)') inta(1:8)
        end do

        ! 31. Integer array, size (N, 120): polarization group members
        do i=1, top%mm_atoms
            igrp = eel%mmat_polgrp(i)
            inta = 0
            inta(1:je-jb+1) = eel%polgrp_mmat%ci(jb:je)
            write(of_unit, '(120I8)') inta
        end do
        ! 32. Integer array, size (N, 4): rotation conventions and 
        !     reference atoms for the AMOEBA multipoles
        do i=1, top%mm_atoms
            write(of_unit, '(4I8)') eel%mol_frame(i), eel%iz(i), eel%ix(i), &
        end do

    end subroutine mmpol_save_as_mmp