Direct L2L translation over OZ axis
Compute the following matrix-vector product: \f[ \mathrm{dst} = \beta \mathrm{dst} + \alpha L_L \mathrm{src}, \f] where \f$ \mathrm{dst} \f$ is a vector of coefficients of output spherical harmonics, \f$ \mathrm{src} \f$ is a vector of coefficients of input spherical harmonics and \f$ L_L \f$ is a matrix of local-to-local translation over OZ axis.
@param[in] z: OZ coordinate from new to old centers of harmonics
@param[in] src_r: Radius of old harmonics
@param[in] dst_r: Radius of new harmonics
@parma[in] p: Maximal degree of spherical harmonics
@param[in] vscales: Normalization constants for harmonics
@param[in] vfact: Square roots of factorials
@param[in] alpha: Scalar multipler for src_l
@param[in] src_l: Expansion in old harmonics
@param[in] beta: Scalar multipler for dst_l
@param[inout] dst_l: Expansion in new harmonics
@param[out] work: Temporary workspace of a size (2*(p+1))
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
real(kind=rp), | intent(in) | :: | z | |||
integer, | intent(in) | :: | p | |||
real(kind=rp), | intent(in) | :: | vscales((p+1)*(p+1)) | |||
real(kind=rp), | intent(in) | :: | vfact(2*p+1) | |||
real(kind=rp), | intent(in) | :: | alpha | |||
real(kind=rp), | intent(in) | :: | src_l((p+1)*(p+1)) | |||
real(kind=rp), | intent(in) | :: | beta | |||
real(kind=rp), | intent(inout) | :: | dst_l((p+1)*(p+1)) | |||
real(kind=rp), | intent(out), | target | :: | work(2*(p+1)) |
subroutine fmm_l2l_ztranslate_work(z, p, vscales, vfact, alpha, &
& src_l, beta, dst_l, work)
! Inputs
integer, intent(in) :: p
real(rp), intent(in) :: z, vscales((p+1)*(p+1)), &
& vfact(2*p+1), alpha, src_l((p+1)*(p+1)), beta
! Output
real(rp), intent(inout) :: dst_l((p+1)*(p+1))
! Temporary workspace
real(rp), intent(out), target :: work(2*(p+1))
! Local variables
real(rp) :: r1, r2, tmp1, tmp2
integer :: j, k, n, indj, indn
! Pointers for temporary values of powers
real(rp), pointer :: pow_r1(:), pow_r2(:)
! Init output
if (abs(beta) < eps_rp) then
dst_l = 0.0_rp
dst_l = beta * dst_l
end if
! If harmonics have different centers
if (abs(z) > eps_rp) then
! Prepare pointers
pow_r1(1:p+1) => work(1:p+1)
pow_r2(1:p+1) => work(p+2:2*(p+1))
! Get powers of r1 and r2
r1 = z / 1.0_rp
r2 = 1.0_rp / z
pow_r1(1) = 1
pow_r2(1) = 1
do j = 2, p+1
pow_r1(j) = pow_r1(j-1) * r1
pow_r2(j) = pow_r2(j-1) * r2
end do
! Do actual L2L
do j = 0, p
indj = j*j + j + 1
do k = 0, j
tmp1 = alpha * pow_r2(j+1) / vfact(j-k+1) / vfact(j+k+1) * &
& vscales(indj)
do n = j, p
indn = n*n + n + 1
tmp2 = tmp1 * pow_r1(n+1) / vscales(indn) * &
& vfact(n-k+1) * vfact(n+k+1) / vfact(n-j+1) / &
& vfact(n-j+1)
if (mod(n+j, 2) .eq. 1) then
tmp2 = -tmp2
end if
if (k .eq. 0) then
dst_l(indj) = dst_l(indj) + tmp2*src_l(indn)
dst_l(indj+k) = dst_l(indj+k) + tmp2*src_l(indn+k)
dst_l(indj-k) = dst_l(indj-k) + tmp2*src_l(indn-k)
end if
end do
end do
end do
! If harmonics are located at the same point
tmp1 = alpha
do j = 0, p
indj = j*j + j + 1
do k = indj-j, indj+j
dst_l(k) = dst_l(k) + src_l(k)*tmp1
end do
tmp1 = tmp1
end do
end if
end subroutine fmm_l2l_ztranslate_work