No parameters are defined, nothing to do.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(ommp_bonded_type), | intent(inout) | :: | bds |
Bonded potential data structure |
character(len=OMMP_STR_CHAR_MAX), | intent(in) | :: | prm_buf(:) |
Char buffer containing the prm file loaded in RAM |
subroutine assign_strbnd(bds, prm_buf)
use mod_memory, only: mallocate, mfree
use mod_bonded, only: strbnd_init
use mod_constants, only: kcalmol2au, angstrom2au
implicit none
type(ommp_bonded_type), intent(inout) :: bds
!! Bonded potential data structure
character(len=OMMP_STR_CHAR_MAX), intent(in) :: prm_buf(:)
!! Char buffer containing the prm file loaded in RAM
integer(ip) :: il, i, j, tokb, toke, isb, nstrbnd, &
cla, clb, clc, a, b, c, jc, jb, maxsb, &
l1a, l1b, l2a, l2b
character(len=OMMP_STR_CHAR_MAX) :: line, errstring
integer(ip), allocatable :: classa(:), classb(:), classc(:), sbtmp(:), &
sbattmp(:, :), at2bnd(:), at2ang(:)
real(rp), allocatable :: k1(:), k2(:)
logical :: done, thet_done, l1_done, l2_done
type(ommp_topology_type), pointer :: top
top => bds%top
if(.not. top%atclass_initialized .or. .not. top%atz_initialized) then
call read_atom_cards(top, prm_buf)
end if
! Read all the lines of file just to count how large vector should be
! allocated
nstrbnd = 0
do il=1, size(prm_buf)
line = prm_buf(il)
if(line(:7) == 'strbnd ') nstrbnd = nstrbnd + 1
end do
maxsb = (top%conn(2)%ri(top%mm_atoms+1)-1) / 2
call mallocate('assign_strbnd [classa]', nstrbnd, classa)
call mallocate('assign_strbnd [classb]', nstrbnd, classb)
call mallocate('assign_strbnd [classc]', nstrbnd, classc)
call mallocate('assign_strbnd [eqang]', nstrbnd, k1)
call mallocate('assign_strbnd [kang]', nstrbnd, k2)
call mallocate('assign_strbnd [sbtmp]', maxsb, sbtmp)
call mallocate('assign_strbnd [sbattmp]', 3_ip, maxsb, sbattmp)
call mallocate('assign_strbnd [at2bnd]', top%mm_atoms, at2bnd)
call mallocate('assign_strbnd [at2ang]', top%mm_atoms, at2ang)
! Restart the reading from the beginning to actually save the parameters
isb = 1
do il=1, size(prm_buf)
line = prm_buf(il)
if(line(:7) == 'strbnd ') then
tokb = 8
toke = tokenize(line, tokb)
if(.not. isint(line(tokb:toke))) then
write(errstring, *) "Wrong STRBND card"
call fatal_error(errstring)
end if
read(line(tokb:toke), *) classa(isb)
tokb = toke + 1
toke = tokenize(line, tokb)
if(.not. isint(line(tokb:toke))) then
write(errstring, *) "Wrong STRBND card"
call fatal_error(errstring)
end if
read(line(tokb:toke), *) classb(isb)
tokb = toke + 1
toke = tokenize(line, tokb)
if(.not. isint(line(tokb:toke))) then
write(errstring, *) "Wrong STRBND card"
call fatal_error(errstring)
end if
read(line(tokb:toke), *) classc(isb)
tokb = toke + 1
toke = tokenize(line, tokb)
if(.not. isreal(line(tokb:toke))) then
write(errstring, *) "Wrong STRBND card"
call fatal_error(errstring)
end if
read(line(tokb:toke), *) k1(isb)
tokb = toke + 1
toke = tokenize(line, tokb)
if(.not. isreal(line(tokb:toke))) then
write(errstring, *) "Wrong STRBND card"
call fatal_error(errstring)
end if
read(line(tokb:toke), *) k2(isb)
isb = isb + 1
end if
i = i+1
end do
isb = 1
do a=1, top%mm_atoms
cla = top%atclass(a)
do jb=top%conn(2)%ri(a), top%conn(2)%ri(a+1)-1
b = top%conn(2)%ci(jb)
if(a > b) cycle
clb = top%atclass(b)
do jc=top%conn(1)%ri(a), top%conn(1)%ri(a+1)-1
c = top%conn(1)%ci(jc)
top%conn(1)%ri(b+1)-1) /= c)) cycle
! There is an angle in the form A-C-B
clc = top%atclass(c)
done = .false.
do j=1, nstrbnd
if((cla == classa(j) &
.and. clb == classc(j) &
.and. clc == classb(j)) .or. &
(clb == classa(j) &
.and. cla == classc(j) &
.and. clc == classb(j))) then
sbattmp(1,isb) = a
sbattmp(2,isb) = c
sbattmp(3,isb) = b
if(cla == classa(j)) then
! Assign the correct k to each bond stretching!
sbtmp(isb) = j
sbtmp(isb) = -j
end if
isb = isb + 1
end if
end do
end do
end do
end do
call strbnd_init(bds, isb-1)
if(isb-1 < 1) then
!! No parameters are defined, nothing to do.
end if
at2bnd(1) = 1
do i=1, top%mm_atoms-1
at2bnd(i+1) = at2bnd(i)
do j=top%conn(1)%ri(i), top%conn(1)%ri(i+1)-1
if(i < top%conn(1)%ci(j)) then
at2bnd(i+1) = at2bnd(i+1) + 1
end if
end do
end do
at2ang = 0
do j=1, size(bds%angleat, 2)
if(at2ang(bds%angleat(1,j)) == 0) at2ang(bds%angleat(1,j)) = j
end do
!$omp parallel do default(shared) schedule(dynamic) &
!$omp private(i,j,l1a,l1b,l2a,l2b,l1_done,l2_done,thet_done)
do i=1, isb-1
! First assign the parameters
bds%strbndat(:,i) = sbattmp(:,i)
j = abs(sbtmp(i))
if(sbtmp(i) > 0) then
bds%strbndk1(i) = k1(j) * kcalmol2au / angstrom2au
bds%strbndk2(i) = k2(j) * kcalmol2au / angstrom2au
bds%strbndk1(i) = k2(j) * kcalmol2au / angstrom2au
bds%strbndk2(i) = k1(j) * kcalmol2au / angstrom2au
end if
l1a = min(bds%strbndat(1,i), bds%strbndat(2,i))
l1b = max(bds%strbndat(1,i), bds%strbndat(2,i))
l2a = min(bds%strbndat(3,i), bds%strbndat(2,i))
l2b = max(bds%strbndat(3,i), bds%strbndat(2,i))
! Now search for the corresponding bond and angle parameters to
! set the equilibrium distances and angle
l1_done = .false.
l2_done = .false.
thet_done = .false.
do j=at2bnd(l1a), size(bds%bondat, 2)
if(l1a == bds%bondat(1,j) .and. l1b == bds%bondat(2,j)) then
l1_done = .true.
bds%strbndl10(i) = bds%l0bond(j)
end if
end do
do j=at2bnd(l2a), size(bds%bondat, 2)
if(l2a == bds%bondat(1,j) .and. l2b == bds%bondat(2,j)) then
l2_done = .true.
bds%strbndl20(i) = bds%l0bond(j)
end if
end do
do j=at2ang(bds%strbndat(1,i)), size(bds%angleat, 2)
if(all(bds%strbndat(:,i) == bds%angleat(:,j))) then
thet_done = .true.
bds%strbndthet0(i) = bds%eqangle(j)
end if
end do
if(.not.(l1_done .and. l2_done .and. thet_done)) then
call fatal_error("Ill-defined stretch-bending cross term")
end if
end do
call mfree('assign_strbnd [classa]', classa)
call mfree('assign_strbnd [classb]', classb)
call mfree('assign_strbnd [classc]', classc)
call mfree('assign_strbnd [eqang]', k1)
call mfree('assign_strbnd [kang]', k2)
call mfree('assign_strbnd [sbtmp]', sbtmp)
call mfree('assign_strbnd [sbattmp]', sbattmp)
call mfree('assign_strbnd [at2bnd]', at2bnd)
call mfree('assign_strbnd [at2ang]', at2ang)
end subroutine assign_strbnd